BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090227T000000Z DTEND:20090227T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Enjoy a beautiful evening of flamenco and savor the tastes of t apas at Wakatay Restaurant!\n\nFlamenco Show at Wakatay Restaurant in Gard ena this Friday\, Feb 27 at 7pm.\n\nThe night will feature: Mizuho Sato\, Jesus Montoya\, and Jose Tanaka\n\nLimited Seating. Make a reservation now !\n \nWakatay Restaurant\n1630 w. redondo beach blvd.# 9 gardena\, ca 9024 7 \n(310)329-6033 \\n\n\n<strong>Flamenco Night Menu</strong>\n<strong>Course # 1</strong>\n\n- Papa a la Huancaina\nSlice d boiled potatoes topped with a slightly spicy cheese sauce. Garnished wit h lettuce\, black olives\, and a slice of hard boiled egg.\n\n- Ceviche de Pescado\nFresh fish marinated and cooked in lime juice. Served with lettu ce\, yams\, corn\, and cancha.\n\n- Lomo Saltado or Pollo Saltado\nThe mos t popular Peruvian plate. Lean strips of beef or chicken\, sautéed with s liced fresh onions\, tomatoes and French fries\, served with steamed rice\ n\n- Alfajor or Lucuma Ice cream (Dessert)\n\n- Course includes one drink\ n\n\n<strong>Course # 2</strong>\n\n- Papa a la Huancaina\nSliced boiled p otatoes topped with a slightly spicy cheese sauce. Garnished with lettuce\ , black olives\, and a slice of hard boiled egg.\n\n-Jalea Mixta\nSpecial fried seafood and fish. Garnished with lettuce\, fries cassava\, salsa cri olla\, and sprinkled with corn. Served with homemade tartar sauce.\n\n- Ce viche de pescado\nFresh fish marinated and cooked in lime juice. Served wi th lettuce\, yams\, corn\, and Peruvian corn.\n\n- Picante de Mariscos\nSe afood in a rich seafood cream sauces flavored with a slightly spicy Peruvi an pepper\, served with steamed rice and garnished with a slice of hard bo iled egg and an olive.\n\n- Alfajor or Lucuma Ice cream (Dessert)\n\n- Cou rse includes one drink\n DTSTAMP:20240603T021506Z SUMMARY:Flamenco Show at Wakatay Restaurant URL:/en/events/2009/02/27/flamenco-show-wakatay/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR