BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060503T000000Z DTEND:20060503T000000Z DESCRIPTION:FREE MIDLIFE & BEYOND SEMINAR SERIES\nSECOND OF FIVE-PART SERIE S\n \nThe Midwest Buddhist Temple is sponsoring a "Midlife and Beyond Semi nar Series" free and open to the public which will be presented by The Fam ily Institute at Northwestern University and the Cognitive Neurology and A lzheimer’s Disease Center at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. The series of five seminars will be held at the Midwest Budd hist Temple\, 435 W. Menomonee St. in historic Old Town. The dates\, times and titles of the remaining four seminars are:\n \nWednesday\, May 3\, 20 06\, 7 to 8:30 p.m. – "The Pickle in the Sandwich: Feeling Squeezed at M idlife" presented by Karen Krefman\, LMFT\, and Michele Wolff\, MSMFT\n \n Wednesday\, June 7\, 2006\, noon to 1:30 p.m. – "Memory and Aging: The L ong and Short of It" presented by Sandra Weintraub\, PhD\n \nWednesday\, J uly 12\, 2006\, 7 to 8:30 p.m. – "Living After Loss of Your Parent" pres ented by Michele Wolff\, MSMFT\n \nThursday\, Aug. 3\, 2006\, noon to 1:30 p.m. – "Rethinking Retirement: Renewing a Sense of Balance and Purpose in Your Relationships and Your Life" presented by Karen Krefman\, LMFT\, a nd Michele Wolff\, MSMFT\n \nThe second of the five-part series\, titled " The Pickle in the Sandwich: Feeling Squeezed at Midlife\," will be held on Wednesday\, May 3\, 2006\, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and will be presented by K aren Krefman\, LMFT\, and Michele Wolff\, MSMFT.\n \nDo you often feel "sq ueezed" – for time\, for space for money? Do you struggle to juggle conf licting life demands and competing needs to your family\, friends or caree r? You are not alone. Midlife is a stage of life when men and women often feel "sandwiched." Between parenting demands\, caregiving for aging parent s\, re-negotiating a changing marriage and a host of additional stressors\ , you may find yourself feeling stressed or lost.\n \nThis seminar\, prese nted by The Family Institute at Northwestern University\, will address the challenging topic of how to find balance at midlife. They will provide pe rspectives on the emotional\, mental and physical impacts of feeling squee zed at midlife. They also will share practical "how-to" techniques to mana ge the multiple stressors in your life and to discover a new sense of clar ity at midlife.\n \nAlthough the Midlife & Beyond Seminar Series is free\, it is requested that registration be made by calling the Midwest Buddhist Temple at 312-943-7801 to ensure proper amount of handouts will be availa ble. For further information either visit the temple’s Web site\, <a hre f=""></a> or cal l the temple office at 312-943-7801.\n \n DTSTAMP:20240603T203622Z SUMMARY:MIDLIFE & BEYOND SEMINAR SERIES URL:/en/events/2006/05/03/midlife-beyond-seminar-series/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR