BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20061115T000000Z DTEND:20061115T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Lara Viscus\, the Educational Director of the Chicago Humanitie s Festival\, Maureen Gallagher\, author of the play\, Martin Fury's Shot\, Jean Mishima\, of the Chicago Japanese American Historical Society\, Eric Young\, a history teacher at Lincoln Park High School\, and a representat ive from UNICEF will take part in a teach-in. Student performances and pre sentations will follow\, including readings from Voices in Wartime by Engl ish teacher\, Ms. Stinnette\, and selected scenes from the play\, Martin F ury's Shot\, by Performing Arts teacher\, Mr. Frellick \n\nFree of charge. The public is invited to attend. \n DTSTAMP:20240602T050831Z SUMMARY:Teach In: War and Peace URL:/en/events/2006/11/15/teach-in-war-and-peace/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR