BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20070217T000000Z DTEND:20070217T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Fighting for Civil Rights in an Era of Terror</strong>\ nFree admission to the public\n\n<em><strong>Panel Discussion:</strong></e m>\nThe panel will focus on civil rights threats\, past and present\, and will feature several distinguished civil rights experts\, such as Peggy Na gae\, lead attorney on the <em>Yasui v. United States coram nobis</em> cas e. Other distinguished panelists include William Funk\, constitutional law professor who drafted the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act\; Charles F. Hinkle\, former president of the ACLU of Oregon\; Helen Ying\, former president and board member of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance\, Por tland Lodge\; and Brandon Mayfield\, wrongly jailed in 2004 as a "material witness" in the deadly Madrid train bombings.\n\n<em><strong>Film Viewing :</strong></em>\nThis event also features the short film\, <em>A Most Unli kely Hero</em>\, the true story of Bruce Yamashita's battle against racism in the Marine Corps. In a rare opportunity\, Capt. Yamashita and film mak er Steve Okino will be present to discuss the film after the viewing.\n\n< strong>Visit <a href="">pdxjacl. org</a> for details.</strong>\n\nPortland Japanese American Citizens Leagu e\nPO Box 86310\nPortland\, OR 97286\n1.877.843.6914\ DTSTAMP:20240607T223241Z SUMMARY:Day of Remembrance\, Portland\, Oregon URL:/en/events/2007/02/17/day-of-remembrance-portland-oregon/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR