BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100115T000000Z DTEND:20100115T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>The Asian American Studies Program </strong> &amp\;<str ong> The Department of African American Studies</strong> present\n <em> \n Part of  the Asian American Studies 10th Anniversary Film Series</e m>\n<strong>AOKI </strong> \n A DOCUMENTARY FILM\n by Ben Wang &amp\; M ike Cheng\n \n <strong>Friday / January 15\, 2010</strong>\n<strong>4 - 6 pm\n Kresge Hall 2-415</strong> \n 1880 Campus Drive • Evanston\, IL\n \n A short Q&amp\;A with <strong>Greg Jue</strong> (participant in the Berkeley ‘69 TWLF Strike) will follow the screening\n <strong>AO KI</strong> is a documentary film chronicling the life of <strong>Richa rd Aoki </strong> (1938-2009)\, a third-generation Japanese American who became one of the founding members of the <strong>Black Panther Party</s trong> . Filmed over the last five years of Richard’s life\, plus his toric footage from the ‘60s\, this documentary features extensive foo tage with Richard and exclusive interviews with his comrades\, friends\ , and former students. Viewers will learn about Richard’s childhood i n a <strong>WWII Japanese American concentration camp</strong> \, growi ng up in West Oakland\, and serving eight years in the U.S. military. T he film explores previously unknown facts about the formation of the <s trong>Black Panther Party</strong> such as how Richard became intimately i nvolved in its founding. AOKI highlights how Richard’s leadership als o made a significant impact on individuals and groups in the contempora ry Asian American Movement. Richard’s contributions to the groundbrea king organization Asian American Political Alliance (AAPA) and its invo lvement in the Third World Liberation Front (TWLF) student strike led t o the formation of ethnic studies at U.C. Berkeley. Featuring Richard A oki\, Bobby Seale\, Yuri Kochiyama\, Kathleen Cleaver\, Elbert “Big M an” Howard\, Harvey Dong\, Diane Fujino and more...\n\n<pre>--\n\nGre gory Jue\nProgram Assistant\nAsian American Studies Program\nNorthwestern University\nKresge Hall 1-435\n1880 Campus Drive\nEvanston\, IL 60208\n847 .467.7114 p\n847.467.8933 f\n\n</pre> DTSTAMP:20240610T041225Z SUMMARY:AOKI a Documentary Film URL:/en/events/2010/01/15/aoki-a-documentary-film/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR