BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20101102T000000Z DTEND:20101102T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Sumi Jo\, established world-class diva praised as having the &l dquo\;greatest gift from Heaven&rdquo\; by the late Herbert von Karajan\, showcases her stunning voice under the direction of <strong>Tomomi Nishi moto</strong> \, dynamic yet elegant conductor who brings a new world to the American audience.\n\n<strong>Date &amp\; Time:</strong> &nbsp\; Nove mber 2.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; 8:00 p.m. \n <strong> Venue:</strong> &nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; <a href="h ttp://" target="_blank">Royce Hall &ndash\; UCLA </a>\n<s trong>Orchestra:</strong> &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; <a href="http://www " target="_blank">Pacific Symphony Orchestra</a>\n \nTickets:\n <a href=" Los-Angeles/venue/90201" target="_blank"> -Hall-UCLA-tickets-Los-Angeles/venue/90201</a>\n\nFor more information: <a href="" target="_blank "></a>\n<a href="" targ et="_blank"></a>\n<a hr ef="" target="_blan k"> </a>\n<strong>< /strong>\n<strong>TOMOMI NISHIMOTO&nbsp\; (Conductor) \n </strong>\n\nAs a graduate of the Osaka College of Music\, where she received her Bachelor of Music in Composition\, Tomomi Nishimoto is currently acting as the Prin cipal Guest Conductor with the State Symphony Orchestra of Russia (Svetlan ov Symphony Orchestra). Upon graduation\, Nishimoto went abroad to the Sai nt Petersburg State Conservatory in Russia and pursued further study in op era and symphony conducting. She is a recipient of numerous awards and sch olarships\, including Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan&rsquo\;s Intern ship in Arts and Music scholarship and Idemitsu Music Award.\n\nAs a talen ted conductor\, Nishimoto has held various appointments in her career. Fro m 2004 to 2006\, she served as the Principal Guest Conductor for the St. P etersburg Mussorgsky State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. She has also served as the Chief Conductor and Artistic Director for Russian Symphony Orchestra of the Tchaikovsky Foundation from 2004 to 2007. Other accomplis hment of Nishimoto&rsquo\;s during her time in Russia includes performance with the Moscow City Symphony Orchestra &ldquo\;Russian Philharmonic&rdqu o\;. All these posts are seldom granted to those of non-Russian background .\n\nNishimoto has been invited to numerous music festivals as well. These include: Split Summer Festival\, Dubrovnik Summer Festival\, Prague Proms \, and Vilnius Music Festival. \n In 2007\, Nishimoto set her foot into Eu rope with a successful performance at the Bruckner Orchestra Linz concert held at Brucknerhaus in Austria. Capitalizing on her newly gained notoriet y in Europe\, she later performed with various European ensembles. These i nclude: Monte Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra\, Budapest Philharmonic Orchest ra\, British Royal Philharmonic Orchestra\, Romanian State Philharmonic Or chestra (George Enescu)\, Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra\, and Lat vian National Symphony Orchestra.\n\nIn addition to her orchestral activit ies\, Nishimoto is also a renowned opera conductor. Her work includes succ essful collaborations with the Hungarian State Opera House and the Prague State Opera.\n\nSince then\, she has also been working as a Young Global L eader for the World Economic Forum\, which hosts annual meeting in Davos\, Switzerland. Through her endeavors to serve as a leader\, she has attract ed attention from around the world.\n\nLater this year\, she is scheduled to perform a concert with the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra\, Lat vian National Symphony Orchestra and with the Bruckner Orchestra Linz. On top of all these\, she will also make a foray into the United States by wo rking with the American Symphony Orchestra. In Japan\, she is scheduled to be promoted to be the Executive Producer of the Tokyo-To Hachioji-Shi Civ ic Center.&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240605T043025Z SUMMARY:CONCERT: Sumi Jo with Tomomi Nishimoto URL:/en/events/2010/11/02/concert-sumi-jo-with-tomomi-nishimoto/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR