BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110803T000000Z DTEND:20111030T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Japanese-born\, New York-based&nbsp\;choreographer/dancers Eiko &amp\; Koma have created an installation of video documentation with&nbs p\;home-made fabric sets and costumes in the Gallery of the New York Publ ic Library for the Performing Arts.&nbsp\;&nbsp\; For 40 years\, they have presented their works in theaters\, universities\, museums\, galleries\, outdoor sites and festivals worldwide. They collaborate in all aspects of their productions&mdash\;choreography\, visual design\, and sound envir onment. They have received many honors for their creative work\, includin g a 1996 MacArthur Fellowship\, the 2004 American Dance Festival Samuel Scripps Award\, and a 2006 Dance Magazine Award.\n &nbsp\;\n In 2009 Eiko &amp\; Koma started a three year Retrospective Project in order to promot e a deeper understanding of their body of work. The project includes new works\, reconstructions\, exhibitions\, a multi-media website and the pub lication of a retrospective catalogue.&nbsp\; As with all other facets of the Retrospective\, <em>Residue</em> is created both for those familiar w ith and for those who are new to Eiko &amp\; Koma.\n\nResidue is shown in conjunction with Eiko &amp\; Koma's new site-specific work\, <em>Water</em > \, in the Paul Milstein Pool at Hearst Plaza\, presented by the Lincoln Center Out of Doors Festival from July 27 &ndash\; 31 at 9:30pm. On July 28 and October 6 at 6pm\, the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts will present film showings of Eiko &amp\; Koma's documentaries and media works. For more information please visit <a href="http://www.eikoan"></a> . DTSTAMP:20240602T223306Z SUMMARY:Residue: Installation by Eiko & Koma URL:/en/events/2011/08/03/residue-installation-by-eiko-koma/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR