BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110901T000000Z DTEND:20110903T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The XVI Panamerican Nikkei Convention (COPANI) has the honor to invite you to this important event which will take place in Cancun Beach in Quintana Roo\, Mexico.\n\n<strong>Date: September 1 to 3\, 2011.</stron g>\n<strong>Location: Cancun Palace Hotel\, Quintana Roo\, Mexico.</strong >\n<strong>Website:&nbsp\; <a href="" target="_bl ank"></a>\n</strong>\n<strong>***What is COPANI?* **</strong>\n\nThe Convencion Panamericana Nikkei (COPANI) is a space deve loped to gather all America&rsquo\;s Nikkei community&rsquo\;s representat ives to exchange experiences and learn from each other creating bonds unit ing countries.\n\nThe COPANI\, is sponsored by the Pan-American Nikkei Ass ociation (APN) and it is distinguished to be a forum where all nikkei gath er to debate about their community&rsquo\;s issues sharing ideas and exper iences to offer solutions to the problems presented. It also offers the op portunity to learn about other countries immigration history from the firs t japanese people through many generations up to the youth Nikkei communit y.\n\nIn summary\, participating in COPANI is a very valuable experience f or all Nikkei because the valuable data an experience you will get. This w ill allow you improve your community as well as the society in which you l ive.\n\nIn the XVI COPANI\, adults and young adults have joined to create a entirely unforgettable experience. This is why we invite you and wish yo u could come and live this extraordinary experience. DTSTAMP:20240607T073826Z SUMMARY:The XVI Panamerican Nikkei Convention 2011 URL:/en/events/2011/09/01/the-xvi-panamerican-nikkei-convention-2011/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR