BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110910T000000Z DTEND:20110910T000000Z DESCRIPTION:M1GP will be raising funds for Riders for Health and Tsunami Re lief for Japan. You could give to the individual charities directly\, or though the fund raising links we've created to get recognition for our te am's efforts. &nbsp\;M1GP keeps none of the donations. &nbsp\;All donatio ns go to the charities and a small &nbsp\;administrative fee to Crowdrise (who we've used to help our social media efforts for raising funds for R iders for Health). &nbsp\;\n\nRelief for Japan gets 100% of all donations .&nbsp\;\n\nKyodo will be performing throughout the first half of the day. &nbsp\; We hope you will come to support this great cause!\n \n<a href="ht tp://\;view=itemlist&amp\;layo ut=category&amp\;task=category&amp\;id=108&amp\;Itemid=115 " target="_bla nk">\;view=itemlist&am p\;layout=category&amp\;task=category&amp\;id=108&amp\;Itemid=115</a>\n<sp an style="color: #ffffff\;"> 2&amp\;view=itemlist&amp\;layout=category&amp\;task=category&amp\;id=108&a mp\;Itemid=115Every donation counts. \n<span style="color: #ffffff\;">\n T hank you for your generosity. DTSTAMP:20240607T220947Z SUMMARY:Kyodo Taiko Performs at 2nd Annual M1 Grand Prix URL:/en/events/2011/09/10/kyodo-taiko-performs-at-2nd-annual-m1-grand-prix/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR