BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130402T000000Z DTEND:20130402T000000Z DESCRIPTION:REGISTRATION OPENS 9 AM ON WEDNESDAY\, MARCH 6\, 2013 ON THE <a href="" >USC VISIONS AND VOICES WEBSITE</a> - MARK YOUR CALENDARS!&nbsp\;\n\n<stro ng>Summary:</strong>\n\nAn evening concert event featuring mixed-race arti sts KINA GRANNIS\, JUSTIN NOZUKA\, and GOW.<em>&nbsp\;</em>\n<em> </em>\n< em>Presented by USC Visions and Voices: The Arts and Humanities Initiative &nbsp\;</em>\n<strong>Description:</strong>\n\nCrossing boundaries\, takin g risks\, making music and redefining identity&mdash\;&ldquo\;Mixing It Up &rdquo\; will showcase a broad range of talent from mixed-race&nbsp\;artis ts in an exciting evening of cultural and artistic performance. Musical pe rformances from popular YouTube artist and USC alum&nbsp\;<strong>Kina Gra nnis</strong>\, Japanese-Canadian singer/songwriter&nbsp\;<strong>Justin N ozuka</strong>&nbsp\;and<strong>&nbsp\;Gow</strong>\, from the Japan-based group Genez\, will be woven with interactive conversations and stories fr om the artists about their&nbsp\;cultural roots and mixed identity\, exper imentation with innovative technology and music-making&nbsp\;outlets and t he risks and challenges they have faced in building their careers in inven tive\,&nbsp\;groundbreaking ways.\n\n<em>Presented by USC Visions and Voic es: The Arts and Humanities Initiative. Organized by the USC Center for Ja panese Religions and Culture\, with additional support from the USC&nbsp\; Program Board Special Events Committee.</em>\n<em>---</em>\n\nMore on <a h ref="">HAPA JAPAN</a>:\n\nA FREE FESTIVAL CELEBRATING MIXED-RACE AND MIXED-ROOTS JAPANESE PEOPLE AND CULTURE!\n\nCome join us a t from April 2-6\, 2013 in Los Angeles for a concert featuring hapa artist s\, a comedy night at East West Players\, readings by award-winning author s\, a historical exhibit at the Japanese American National Museum\, film s creenings of great documentaries\, and a 2-day academic conference at USC. DTSTAMP:20240606T203027Z SUMMARY:Mixing It Up: [Identity and Music] Innovation - Hapa Japan 2013 Fes tival - Day 1 URL:/en/events/2013/04/02/mixing-it-up-identity-and-music-innovation-ha/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR