BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140426T000000Z DTEND:20140427T000000Z DESCRIPTION:A weekend celebrating traditional and contemporary Japanese cul ture\nTaiko Drumming &bull\; Manga &bull\; Tea Ceremonies &bull\; J-Pop &b ull\; Samurai Sword Fighting &bull\; Bonsai &bull\; Cosplay Fashion Show &bull\; Ikebana Flower Arranging &bull\; Kids&rsquo\; Workshops &bull\; N ihon Buyo Classical Dance &bull\; Traditional Kimonos and More!\nFull sch edule at the <a href=""> Brooklyn Botanic Garden website</a> .\n\nFrom <a href="http://www.timeout. com/newyork/things-to-do/sakura-matsuri">TimeOut New York</a> :\n\nDespite our apocalyptic\, Hoth-like winter\, the cherry blossoms did finally tur n up\, albeit a week or so late. That should still put them on schedule t o bloom for this year&rsquo\;s Sakura Matsuri. The annual fest is about m uch more than flowers\, though: The celebration of Japanese culture past and present includes taiko drumming\, a kimono fashion show\, samurai swo rd demonstrations\, folk-dancing performances\, and sets by J-pop singer Hitomi Himekawa and eight-person Okinawan pop ensemble Ryukyu Chimdon Ban d. Expect plenty of cosplay-clad attendees: Even if you don&rsquo\;t dres s up\, you can take a course on manga drawing or partake in a traditional tea ceremony. Oh\, yes\, and look at the pretty flowers\, too. DTSTAMP:20240609T053707Z SUMMARY:Sakura Matsuri (Cherry Blossom Festival) URL:/en/events/2014/04/26/sakura-matsuri-cherry-blossom-festival/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR