BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20141010T000000Z DTEND:20150111T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From the exhibition website (gardenofunearthlydelightsexhibitio :\n\nA monster tsunami uproots a city. Modern tough guys lock samu rai-style in battle. Candy-colored streams of animals and flowers hyperpi xelate. These dramatic visual moments are among those to be encountered i n <em>Garden of Unearthly Delights: Works by Ikeda\, Tenmyouya &amp\; team Lab</em> .\n\nManabu Ikeda (b. 1973)\, Hisashi Tenmyouya (b. 1966)\, and t he art and technology collective teamLab (est. 2001) are artistic visiona ries who are shaping today&rsquo\;s Japanese art and culture. But each al so harkens back to the Japanese tradition of the master craftsmen\, <em>t akumi</em> \, in the level of technical precision and detail they bring t o the creation of complex images. This exhibition introduces over twenty intricate allegorical paintings\, installations\, and digital works by th ese three artists.\n\nThe featured works find an affinity in the hallucin atory vision of <em>The Garden of Earthly Delights</em> \, the fantastica l triptych by the fifteenth-century Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch. Just as Bosch did\, these three artists collage together imagery and concepts relating to different places and times in the past\, present\, and future . The results are allegorical depictions of urgent cultural and social is sues in a manner informed by their contemporary environment&mdash\; today &rsquo\;s world of spectacle and information overload.\n\nThere is a plur ality of approach to mediums in these artists&rsquo\; works\, and yet\, s een together\, it makes clear some of the notable characteristics of toda y&rsquo\;s Japanese art shared by all of them&mdash\;the obsessive attent ion to detail requiring a vertigo-inducing amount of time to execute\, an d total immersion in the dense and fast-changing visual sensations of the information society.\n\nMonday &ndash\; Friday\, 9:30 AM &ndash\; 5:30 PM \n Japan Society will be closed October 13.\n Phone: (212) 832-1155\n Box Office: (212) 715-1258\n Box Office Hours: 11 AM - 6 PM DTSTAMP:20240606T140553Z SUMMARY:Garden of Unearthly Delights: Works by Ikeda\, Tenmyouya &amp\; tea mLab URL:/en/events/2014/10/10/garden-of-unearthly-delights-works-by-ikeda-tenm/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR