BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160406T000000Z DTEND:20160406T000000Z DESCRIPTION:When legendary director Hayao Miyazaki announced his retirement from Studio Ghibli recently\, the world of Japanese anime was in mourning . In the vacuum left by the famed director\, known for masterpieces like < em>Spirited Away</em> and <em>My Neighbor Totoro</em>\, an opportunity has emerged for new talent to take center stage. Scriptwriter<strong> Dai Sat o</strong> and animator/producer <strong>Justin Leac</strong>h come to Jap an Society to talk about the future of anime in the post-Miyazaki era. Dai Sato has written scripts for highly acclaimed television series and films including <em>Samurai Champloo</em>\, <em>Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex</em>\, and <em>Cowboy Bebop</em>. Justin Leach has also worked ma ny years in the animation industry\, including as a CG creator on <em>Inno cence: Ghost in the Shell 2</em> and on the animation sequences in <em>Kil l Bill</em>. Dai and Justin are both members of Japan Society&rsquo\;s Inn ovators Network. Followed by a reception.\n\nTickets: $13/$10 Japan Societ y members\, seniors &amp\; students&nbsp\;\n\nBox Office phone number: (21 2) 715-1258\n\nWebsite: <a href=" te-of-japanese-animation-in-a-post-miyazaki-world" target="_blank">http:// aki-world</a> DTSTAMP:20240602T070335Z SUMMARY:The State of Japanese Animation in a Post-Miyazaki World URL:/en/events/2016/04/06/the-state-of-japanese-animation-in-a-post-miyazak i/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR