BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160401T000000Z DTEND:20160401T000000Z DESCRIPTION:TGIF! OACC will host our seventh First Friday gathering on Apri l 1st. Come out for a night of fun and creativity!\nOur friends\, Emeryvil le Taiko\, will be offering a FREE taiko lesson at 7pm. Additionally\, the re will be workshops\, an art exhibition\, and fun activities like tangram s\, origami\, button-making\, and more!\nPlease invite your friends - it w ill be a night full of fun and learning!\n*All activities are FREE! Donati ons are greatly appreciated.\n--\nOakland Asian Cultural Center builds vib rant communities through Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA) arts a nd culture programs that foster intergenerational and cross-cultural dialo gue\, cultural identity\, collaborations\, and social justice.\n\nOACC is conveniently located in Oakland Chinatown in the Pacific Renaissance Plaza (near Peony Restaurant). It is 3 blocks from the 12th Street / City Cente r BART Station. In addition to metered street parking\, there is a $2/even ing parking lot below for those who enter after 5pm on weeknights.\n\nLike us here on Facebook:\n<a href=" "></a>\n\nSee all of our upcomin g events and subscribe to our event page here:\n<a href="https://www.faceb"></a> DTSTAMP:20240603T011004Z SUMMARY:April First Friday URL:/en/events/2016/04/01/april-first-friday/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR