BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160410T000000Z DTEND:20160410T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for a daylong meditation at Oakland Asian Cultural Cent er with Ayya Anandabodhi.&nbsp\;\nThrough the practice of meditation we to uch into a deeper truth that gets lost in the busyness of our everyday liv es. On this day we will use mindfulness of the Three Characteristics of Ex istence to deepen our understanding of the potential that lays hidden in t his ever changing world.\nPlease bring nourishing potluck foods to offer A yya Anandabodhi and to share with other participants.&nbsp\;\nFood restric tions:\nvegetarian\nno wheat\nno cow dairy (sheep &amp\; goat dairy are OK )\nA $25 minimum donation is suggested to reserve your seat but no one wil l be turned away due to lack of funds.\n<a href=" hp?\;h=9AQHqChgW&amp\; enc=AZPJCpujkejooJwUkzt2lSRtrkDCRB9rlPyx1BlCUU3aFQIPUUSAc_MYp1ooCEgJPGI&am p\;s=1" target="_blank"></a>\n\nVolu nteer assistance is requested to setup\, cleanup\, and breakdown the room. &nbsp\;\n\n- - -&nbsp\;\n\nBio: Ayya Anandabodhi first encountered the Bud dha's teachings in her early teens\, igniting a deep interest in the Buddh a's Path of Awakening. She has lived and trained as a nun the Forest Tradi tion since 1992\, mostly in Ajahn Chah monasteries in England. In 2009 she moved to the US to help establish Aloka Vihara\, a training monastery for women. Her practice and teaching are guided by early Buddhist scriptures and through nature's pure and immediate Dharma. In 2011 she took full Bhik khuni Ordination\, joining the growing number of women who are reclaiming this path in the Theravada tradition. She currently resides at Aloka Vihar a\, near Placerville\, CA.\n\n- - -\n\nThis event is organized by:\nAgains t The Stream Buddhist Meditation Society\n<a href=" .php?\;h=6AQH4Y7BB&amp\;enc= AZPh9L2QQMB_LsVka0yX6oQiDx6xq1kkIlx-ir-2650SflIi2X8aY1MQ6vykr9xEzvw&amp\;s =1" target="_blank"></a> DTSTAMP:20240603T011208Z SUMMARY:Why Meditate - Daylong Meditation at Oakland Asian Cultural Center URL:/en/events/2016/04/10/why-meditate-daylong-meditation-at-oakland-asian/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR