BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160620T000000Z DTEND:20160620T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Just as New Yorkers have developed a deep appreciation for Japa nese cuisine\, from hearty noodle dishes like ramen and udon to multi-cour se kaiseki dinners\, New York chefs have found inspiration in Japan&rsquo\ ;s culinary traditions.&nbsp\;<strong>Saori Kawano</strong>\, author of<em >Chef&rsquo\;s Choice</em>&nbsp\;and founder of the Tribeca-based Korin Ja panese Trading Corp\, talks with culinary masters&nbsp\;<strong>Michael An thony</strong>\, Chef and Partner at Gramercy Tavern and Executive Chef an d Managing Director of Untitled and Studio Cafe at the Whitney Museum\, an d&nbsp\;<strong>Marcus Samuelsson</strong>\, Chef and Owner of Red Rooster and Streetbird\, about how Japanese ingredients\, concepts and flavors ha ve shaped their cooking styles.&nbsp\;<em>Followed by a reception and book -signing for</em>&nbsp\;Chef&rsquo\;s Choice. DTSTAMP:20240602T151827Z SUMMARY:Chef's Choice: Culinary Masters on their Japanese Influences URL:/en/events/2016/06/20/chefs-choice-culinary-masters-on-their-japanese/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR