BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160625T000000Z DTEND:20160625T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Lil Tokyo Reporter is a narrative short film based on the true life struggles of Sei Fujii\, immigrant pioneer\, leader\, and publisher. One of the most pinnacle civil rights leaders in the early 20th century\, our narrative highlights the journey of Sei Fujii away from his politic al contributions\, but into his interpersonal journey to defend and promo te his deteriorating community during the Great Depression.\n\nLil Tokyo R eporter is the story of Sei Fujii (Tashima)\, a civic rights leader who v owed to protect his people\, defending them in legal cases with Attorney Wright (Whitney) and building a much needed hospital for the Japanese Ame rican community. During the Great Depression\, the community unites at th eir first annual pageant parade while Fujii promotes their accomplishment s through his new radio program and newspaper. Wright brings to Fujii&rsq uo\;s attention a group running the local gambling hall who decided to ta ke advantage of his community. Fujii must make a decision to confront the issue through his reporting and newspaper. Will these local baddies win over our historic civil rights leader? Or will our hero survive a road th at will lead him into many unexpected twist of events.\n \n The film star s Chris Tashima\, Eijiro Ozaki\, Ikuma Ando\, Keiko Agena\, and Sewell Wh itney. Directed by Jeffrey Gee Chin from a screenplay written by Guinever e Turner (American Psycho)\, based on the research of the Executive Prod ucer Fumiko Carole Fujita and the Little Tokyo Historical Society. Produc ed by Mayon Denton and Michael Iinuma in association with Visual Communic ations and the Little Tokyo Historical Society. The team is honored to be sponsored by the California Civil Liberties Public Education Program and the Terasaki Foundation.\n\nImmediately after the film screening\, there will be a special book reading and Q&amp\;A with lead actor Chris Tashima \,&nbsp\; director Jeffrey Gee Chin\, and executive producer Fumiko Carol e Fujita.&nbsp\; DVD&rsquo\;s will be available for sale at the event.<st rong></strong><strong>\n \n Seating is limited. To register\, call JAMsj a t 408-294-3138 or \n register online at:&nbsp\; </strong> <a href="http://"></a> DTSTAMP:20240602T082556Z SUMMARY:Film: Little Tokyo Reporting URL:/en/events/2016/06/25/film-little-tokyo-reporting/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR