BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160909T000000Z DTEND:20160909T000000Z DESCRIPTION:WORKSHOP\n<strong>Fri.\, Sept. 9\, 6:30 PM</strong>\n\nJoin us for a one-time-only workshop on the Japanese paper art of&nbsp\;<em>chigir i-e</em>\, led by visiting experts from Japan&rsquo\;s Gifu Prefecture. In this delicate art form\, Mino<em>washi</em>&nbsp\;paper is gently torn in to shapes and pasted on to&nbsp\;<em>shikishi</em>&nbsp\;paperboards to cr eate beautiful watercolor-like pictures. Participants will have the opport unity to use Mino&nbsp\;<em>washi</em>\, a traditional paper from Gifu\, w hich has been used for more than 1300 years in the production of craftwork such as paper lanterns and umbrellas.<em>Chigiri-e</em>&nbsp\;takes advan tage of Mino&nbsp\;<em>washi</em>&rsquo\;s distinct texture and durability to create colorful\, one-of-a-kind art works.\n&nbsp\;\n\nPart of&nbsp\;< a href=""><strong><em>Get to Know Japan&nb sp\;Series:&nbsp\;Gifu Prefecture</em></strong>.</a><strong>\n\nTICKETS</s trong>: $35/$30 Japan Society&nbsp\;<a href=" age/support/individual">members</a>\, seniors and students DTSTAMP:20240602T004209Z SUMMARY:Chigiri-e Paper Art Workshop URL:/en/events/2016/09/09/chigiri-e-paper-art-workshop/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR