BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20171117T000000Z DTEND:20171117T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Nihonmachi Little Friends (NLF) will celebrate the agency&rsquo \;s 42nd Anniversary and the completion of its new building with a Sushi S ocial on Friday\, November 17th\, 6:00-8:00 pm at its expanded 1830 Sutter Street facility in the heart of San Francisco&rsquo\;s Japantown. The eve ning will feature a special wine tasting and meeting with local winemaker\ , Jason Mikami of Mikami Vineyards and a recognition of NLF&rsquo\;s capit al campaign committee members. Back by popular demand\, guests will also b e treated to a musical performance by a stellar trio of Dr. Anthony Brown\ , Mark Izu\, and Masaru Koga\, a performance by NLF children\, as well as an assortment of delectable sushi prepared by chefs from We Be Sushi.&nbsp \;&nbsp\;\n\nSuggested donation is $125 per person. To make reservations\, contact NLF at (415) 922-8898 or All proceeds fro m the evening will benefit NLF&rsquo\;s programs and its Building Fund. Th is event is made possible with the support of Wells Fargo. DTSTAMP:20240602T223325Z SUMMARY:Sushi Social with Nihonmachi Little Friends URL:/en/events/2017/11/17/sushi-social-with-nihonmachi-little-friends/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR