BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20161103T000000Z DTEND:20170128T000000Z DESCRIPTION:De Buck Gallery\n545 W 23rd Street\, New York\nDe Buck Gallery is pleased to announce an upcoming exhibition of works by acclaimed Japane se Gutai master Shozo Shimamoto. Do Something Interesting\, See Something Odd\, delves ever deeper into Shimamoto&rsquo\;s revolutionary career traj ectory\, incorporating works dating from the 1960s Gutai period through th e artist&rsquo\;s death in 2013. The exhibition provides an overview of th e maturation of Shimamoto&rsquo\;s style and technique. Centerpieces inclu de examples of his trademark Bottle Crash series\, in which the artist cre ated lively\, abstract paint-smattered works by ceremoniously throwing bot tles and other containers full of pigment at otherwise blank canvases\, hi ghlighting the innovative performance-based methods and the energy\, visua lly documented within the works\, with which Shimamoto approached his art over the course of his lengthy career. Pieces such as the 2011 Untitled (P ing Pong)\, which incorporates islands of ping pong balls across the surfa ce of the canvas\, exemplify a characteristic playfulness and desire to pu sh the limits of what is possible in art that embodies the very spirit of Gutai\, and of Shimamoto&rsquo\;s work and life.\nAdmission:free\nWEB:<a h ref="" target="_blank">< /a>\nopening reception:November 3 6-8pm DTSTAMP:20240603T000358Z SUMMARY:SHOZO SHIMAMOTO: Do Something Interesting\, See Something Odd URL:/en/events/2016/11/03/shozo-shimamoto-do-something-interesting-see-som/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR