BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170604T000000Z DTEND:20170604T000000Z DESCRIPTION:On Sunday\, June 4th\, the <a href="">Okin awa Association of America (OAA)</a> in Gardena invites you to the first i n a series of presentations organized by young members of the local Okinaw an community. (RSVP is required due to limited seating/parking)\n\nTitled Angwātā x Nīsētā &ndash\; &ldquo\;young women and men&rdquo\; in Uchi nāguchi\, one of the languages of Okinawa &ndash\; this series was create d to provide a platform for young Okinawans to explore their roots through any medium that they see fit\, be it lecture\, workshop\, or performance. \n\nThe inaugural event will include presentations from two yonsei (fourth generation) Okinawan Americans:\n\nElyse Izumi will present her undergrad uate capstone project from California State Polytechnic University\, Pomon a. Titled &ldquo\;Ichariba Chōdē: Okinawan Identity in Modern Day Americ an Society\,&rdquo\; Izumi based her research on her interviews with young Okinawans in the United States. &ldquo\;I tried to answer the question of how do we\, as Okinawan youth\, maintain identity\, especially in a cultu re that doesn't even address our existence\,&rdquo\; she said. &ldquo\;Fro m my research and interviews\, I was challenged with a new question instea d of how do we take control of our identity.&rdquo\;\n\nJoseph Yoshimasu K amiya&rsquo\;s &ldquo\;Yū nmari tōn: The Craft and Music of Sanshin&rdqu o\; focuses on the traditional musical instrument that has become synonymo us with Okinawan culture. The presentation and display is based on his exp eriences in Okinawa&rsquo\;s kempi (government-funded) international stude nt program where he studied for one year under the guidance of a professio nal sanshin craftsman.\n\nThe program will begin at 2:00 PM at the OAA Cen ter in Gardena\, Room 103 (16500 South Western Avenue\; in the glass offic e building). Admission is free for current OAA members and $5 for the publ ic. Due to limited seating/parking\, RSVP IS REQUIRED by June 2nd: oaamens\, 310-532-1929. More information:<a href="https://l.facebook .com/l.php?\;h=ATNrbhQ8YI9hr2DKs-5GgjT 2ND_T2tpXZWjz9WVNUGb6bvIpKBnSnt4b5FzG-e5hdpTaqOgp50OAACj1EEI7c6Af2Gi7xKENy A9AB1TBS9RIFagu2FWD3irfN0t1inbKNml9HxBxjO7EcZx0RUpduijF7p1LZw&amp\;enc=AZN qmTzXG_apZsvDvXLfmFz9yNVRWeOP91gB-zY1ItMYsZYqVIfXKyC1XMicu9WD5R4&amp\;s=1" target="_blank"></a>\,&nbsp\;<a href=" aamensore"></a> DTSTAMP:20240602T123521Z SUMMARY:Angwātā x Nīsētā: Okinawan Youth Identity Series URL:/en/events/2017/06/04/angwata-x-niseta-okinawan-youth-identity-series/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR