BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20171118T000000Z DTEND:20171118T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Tickets for Hold These Truths Concert Dramatic Reading Benefitt ing SF JACL available at: <a href=" -these-truths/" target="_blank"> ese-truths/</a>\n \n Fresh from his Broadway debut in George Takei’s “Allegiance\,” Greg Watanabe will be returning to the San Francisco B ay Area for a heartwarming and entertaining concert dramatic reading of H old These Truths. Local performing arts fans will remember Watanabe from his performances with the comedy sketch group 18 Mighty Mountain Warriors and with the Asian American Theater Company.\n \n The San Francisco chap ter of the Japanese American Citizen’s League has chosen to present Jea nne Sakata’s Hold These Truths at this time because it brings to life t he courageous actions of Gordon Hirabayashi who challenged the government ’s orders to forcibly remove and mass incarcerate all people of Japanes e ancestry on the West Coast. Hirabayashi’s case made it all the way to the Supreme Court where he was not successful but he was vindicated 44 y ears later and posthumously awarded the 2012 Presidential Medal of Freedo m.\n \n “When I discovered Gordon’s story in the late 1990’s – so full of heartbreak\, but also his irrepressible humor and zest for life – it was a life-changing experience\,” said playwright Jeanne Sakata. “I knew I had to try to bring his story to the American stage\, not ju st as an act of healing for myself\, my family and my community\, but als o to inspire and give hope to any American citizen who has been denied eq ual treatment under the law promised by our Constitution because of facto rs such as race\, gender\, sexual orientation\, and who must battle const antly to make those promises a living reality.”\n \n During World War I I\, University of Washington student Gordon Hirabayashi fought the gover nment’s orders to forcibly remove and mass incarcerate all people of Ja panese ancestry on the West Coast. As he struggled to reconcile his count ry’s betrayal with his passionate belief in the U.S. Constitution\, Hir abayashi journeyed toward a greater understanding of America’s triumphs — and a confrontation with its failures. Hold These Truths was first p roduced in 2007 by East West Players in Los Angeles under the title Dawn ’s Light: The Journey of Gordon Hirabayashi.\n \n The plot has a strong and timely message about civil rights\, the Constitution\, and one man's battle against civil liberty violations. The evening performance will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by SF-JACL’s John Hayashi wit h Dale Minami\, Don Tamaki\, and Greg Watanabe. Generous support has been received by the California Civil Liberties Public Education Program and proceeds from the performances will benefit the SF JACL’s Arts and Advo cacy activism programs and anti-bullying education.\n \n TICKET AND PERFO RMANCE INFORMATION\n \n WHEN:\n Saturday\, November 18th\n 2pm Matinee\n 7 pm Evening Performance\n \n WHERE:\n Cowell Theater | Fort Mason Center fo r Arts &amp\; Culture\n 2 Marina Blvd\, San Francisco\, CA 94123\n \n TO P URCHASE:\n 2pm:\n $25\n $20 for seniors\n \n 7pm:\n $50 General\n $100 VIP (reserved seating and acknowledgment in printed program)\n $40 Early Bird s (before 11/1/17)\n $45 JACL Members\n Performance followed by a panel d iscussion moderated by SF-JACL’s John Hayashi with Dale Minami\, Don Ta maki\, and Greg Watanabe\, plus a post-panel reception.\n \n For more inf o\, please email\n \n Please Note:\n Recommended for ages 14 and up. Contains mature language.\n The estimated run time is approximately 90 minutes with no intermission\n \n 2pm performance invitat ion:\n\n \n 7pm performan ce invitation:\n DTSTAMP:20240603T122014Z SUMMARY:Hold These Truths Concert Dramatic Reading Benefitting SF JACL URL:/en/events/2017/11/18/hold-these-truths-concert-dramatic-reading-benefi t/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR