BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20171118T000000Z DTEND:20171118T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Toronto taiko group Nagata Shachu kick off their 19th annual se ason featuring a stunning new production &lsquo\;Half Cycle\, Full Moon&rs quo\; &ndash\; directed by Nagata Shachu&rsquo\;s Aki Takahashi. They hope to capture something of the beauty and transience of life in this collect ion of 15 new works\, which follow the waxing moon illuminating through it s various phases in this celebration of night\, light and life at Fleck Da nce Theatre on Saturday\, November 18\, 2017.\nDIRECTOR STATEMENT: Nagata Shachu member since 2003 and associate artistic director Aki Takahashi sta tes\, &ldquo\;In many cultures\, the Harvest Moon marked an occasion of pa rticular importance in the year. In Japan\, this developed into the popula r tradition of Otsukimi\, moon viewing\, where people celebrated the moon with wine\, food and poetry. It provided an opportunity both to appreciate the beauty of the moon and to reflect on the nature of life.\n&ldquo\;&ls quo\;Half Cycle\, Full Moon&rsquo\; is 15 new works which mirror the waxin g of the moon\, following the approximately 15 days of its progression fro m the New Moon stage up until the Full Moon. Through the various rhythms f ound in these works\, we hope to capture something of the beauty and trans ience of life that one would experience at a moon viewing party. We hope t o help restore the moon to its former and proper position of prominence\, and that audiences will join us in celebration and be enchanted.&rdquo\;\n CONCERT/TICKET INFO:\nOnline\;&nbsp\; tson/today.cfm?id=9659&amp\;festival_id=0&amp\;ref=fp\n\nPhone\; 416-973-4 000\, press 1.\n\nIn person\; Harbourfront box office\, 235 Queen&rsquo\;s Quay West\, Toronto\, ON\, M5J 2G8.\nARTIST INFO: .\nNagata Shachu members are Kiyoshi Nagata (master soloist\, taiko\, shin obue/flute)\, Aki Takahashi (taiko\, shamisen\, vocals)\, Tony Nguyen (tai ko)\, Kayo Homma-Komori (taiko)\, Jason Huang (taiko) and Naoya Kobayashi (taiko).\nRecently\, Nagata Shachu has toured extensively and played rare collaborations with artists including the Toronto Arts Foundation&rsquo\;s Arts in the Parks initiative\, world/roots ensemble DRUMHAND\, Japan&rsqu o\;s acclaimed taiko\, kokyu and shinobue virtuoso Shogo Yoshii (formerly of renowned Kodo drummers) and Juno nominated Toronto Tabla Ensemble. Naga ta Shachu has previously released six CDs (latest\; Hymus Road\, 2013) of original music\, and four DVDs (latest\; Toronto Taiko Tales\, 2017). DTSTAMP:20240602T210152Z SUMMARY:Nagata Shachu - Half Cycle\, Full Moon URL:/en/events/2017/11/18/nagata-shachu-half-cycle-full-moon/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR