BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20171202T000000Z DTEND:20171202T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE</strong>\n\nIn 1981 \, the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC ) heard the testimonies of Japanese Americans across the country who spoke out for the first time about their incarceration during World War II. Rec ognizing the historic nature of these hearings\, <a href="http://www.ncrr-" target="_blank">Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redress</a> (NCRR\, then known as the National Coalition for Redress/ Reparations) and <a href="" target="_blank">Visual Communication s</a> (VC) collaborated to videotape the Los Angeles hearings. The impact of the CWRIC hearings in Los Angeles will be the subject of this program. Clips from the hearings will be screened and panel discussions will be con vened with testifiers and grassroots organizers\, who will discuss the imp act of the hearings on the community and on the redress campaign as well a s their ongoing relevance today. People who testified\, attended the heari ngs\, or helped with filming are invited to share their recollections duri ng the audience Q&amp\;A and comment period at the end. All attendees are invited to a reception with light refreshments following the program.\n\nH ighlights of the CWRIC testimonies are available on DVD and will be availa ble for purchase at the event. Complete documentation of all the Los Angel es testimonies is also available in a 13-disc DVD set\, which may be pre-o rdered at the event or using the online <a href="" t arget="_blank">order form</a>.\n\n<em>Presented in partnership with Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redress and Visual Communications. </em>\n\nThe prog ram is free but RSVP is highly recommended.\n\nTickets available <a href="\;txobjid=5ae2a9 f5-83d9-4553-a652-d81e5b9e7978" target="_blank">here</a>.\n\n<strong></str ong><em></em> DTSTAMP:20240603T000357Z SUMMARY:Speak Out for Justice: Screening\, Panel Discussions\, and Audience Q&A\; URL:/en/events/2017/12/02/speak-out-for-justice-screening-panel-discussion/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR