BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180121T000000Z DTEND:20180121T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Welcoming 2018\, Okinawa Style\n</strong>\nRing in the Year of the Dog with Uchinaanchu (Okinawan) spirit! The Okinawa Associatio n of America (OAA) will be hosting their annual New Year&rsquo\;s Party on Sunday\, January 21st. Held at the beautiful Quiet Cannon banquet hall in Montebello Golf Course\, this event is one of the OAA&rsquo\;s largest wi th over 600 attendees. Registration is required (deadline: January 15th to guarantee a ticket at current pricing).\n\nThe $45 ticket includes a file t mignon entr&eacute\;e (vegetarian option available for $40). To encourag e more families to attend\, there is a discount for students ($30 for ages 11-18\; student I.D. required) and a children&rsquo\;s meal ($20 for ages 3-10).\n\nThe entertainment program will feature traditional Ryūkyūan m usic and dance (Majikina Honryu Aigen no Kai and Tamagusuku Ryu Kansenkai) \, Ryūkyūkoku Matsuri Daiko L.A. Branch\, karate demonstrations\, and ka raoke. This year&rsquo\;s special guests are the VoiceLab Choir\, Yuna &am p\; Tida (Okinawan folk music duo)\, and a young dance troupe performing & ldquo\;Dynamic Ryūkyū\,&rdquo\; an energetic number that blends traditio nal elements with modern flare.\n\nSupport the OAA by purchasing $2 raffle tickets and try your luck at winning the grand prize: a Kangen Water ioni zation machine generously donated by Enagic USA\, Inc. Other great prizes include round trip airfare to Tokyo donated by Uyehara Travel\, $200 trave l vouchers donated by IACE Travel\, a 43&rdquo\; LG Smart TV donated by th e Awakuni Family\, and more. Winners do not need to be be present. Tickets may be purchased by contacting the OAA office.\n\nThe event will also inc lude a silent auction\, a year in review photo slideshow\, and community d ancing and singing to close out the day.\n\nFor more information or to reg ister for the event\, please contact the OAA at 310-532-1929 or oaamensore Registration is required by January 15th (additional $10/perso n after deadline\, if space allows) and seating is assigned on a &ldquo\;f irst come\, first served&rdquo\; basis. DTSTAMP:20240602T195921Z SUMMARY:Okinawa Association New Year's Party 2018 URL:/en/events/2018/01/21/okinawa-association-new-years-party-2018/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR