BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190212T000000Z DTEND:20190212T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The elevation of scent to an art form has a long history in Jap an\, going back to the classical Japanese art of&nbsp\;<em>kodo</em>\, the incense ceremony. Scent is more than a passing phenomenon\, it has a stro ng connection to feeling\, and different smells may turn our mood bright o r sour. At this talk\,&nbsp\;<strong>Megumi Futatsu</strong>\, aroma space designer at At Aroma\, explores the traditional scents of Japan and their uses\, how aromatherapy and interior design can work together\, and how t o select the right scent for you.&nbsp\;\n<em>Followed by a scent-sampling reception.</em>&nbsp\;\n<strong>Tickets:</strong>&nbsp\;$15/$12 members\, seniors &amp\; students\n<strong>Website:&nbsp\;</strong>https://www.japa DTSTAMP:20240608T160601Z SUMMARY:Aroma Space Design: The World of Japanese Scents URL:/en/events/2019/02/12/aroma-space-design-the-world-of-japanese-scents/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR