BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190707T000000Z DTEND:20190707T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Japanese Friendship Garden (JFG) is proud to announce the i naugural Tanabata Festival! Originating from Chinese folklore\, Tanabata i s a holiday that celebrates the meeting of two deities that are separated by the Milky Way. The festival will continue to combine both cultural educ ation with family fun by being host to various activity booths\, delectabl e festival foods and tea\, cultural performances and demonstrations\, beer &amp\; sake\, and opportunities to participate in popular Tanabata custom s such as creating kazari - colorful decorations made to be hung on bamboo with different meanings such as good health and &ldquo\;catching&rdquo\; good fortune.\nLarge fukinagashi kazari (streamer type decorations) from S endai\, Japan will be on display at JFG&rsquo\;s lower garden for guests&r squo\; viewing pleasure and will be able for &ldquo\;adoption&rdquo\;. JFG encourages individuals and organizations to become a kazari &ldquo\;host& rdquo\; to display the fukinagashi kazari outdoor after Tanabata Festival in hopes to create a traveling display of fukinagashi kazari to enhance co mmunity engagement and connect those with shared interests!\n<strong>Sched uled</strong>\nJapanese Street Food: Taste Beer\, Sake\, Tea\, family frie ndly activities..&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Festival Prices</strong>\nPre-sale tic kets to JFG&rsquo\;s Tanabata Festival are available online until Saturday 06 July. All pre-sale tickets include a Festival Pass that is made up of a JFG map\, festival programs schedule\, scavenger hunt\, and nine (9) act ivity tickets redeemable at certain activity booths. Please note that pre- sale tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable after 5:00 PM on 30 J une\, 2019. Tanabata Festival pre-sale tickets are priced as:&nbsp\;\n\nGe neral &hellip\; $16 | Student\, military\, senior (65+) &hellip\; $14*\n\n Admission and Festival Passes will also be available at the door\, separat ely\, day of Tanabata Festival. Admission without a Tanabata Festival Pass can be purchased online while individual Festival Passes will only be ava ilable at the door\, day of Tanabata Festival for $4/Festival Pass.\n\n*Pr oper ID must be presented with a printed or digtal ticket when entering Ta nabata Festival. A student\, military\, or senior pre-sale ticket holder w ithout proper ID when entering will have to pay the admission price differ ence.\n\nFor refunds\, please contact JFG at 619-232-2721. All other festi val inquiries can be e-mailed to DTSTAMP:20240603T030712Z SUMMARY:1st Annual Tanabata Festival (San Diego\, CA) URL:/en/events/2019/07/07/1st-annual-tanabata-festival-san-diego-ca/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR