BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20191207T000000Z DTEND:20191207T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Come shop at the Hana Holiday Boutique and support local crafte rs and small businesses! Vendors will be selling a variety of unique and h andmade items perfect for holiday gifts. \n \n Items for sale include:\n A sian &amp\; Hawaiian accessories\n calendars/planners\n greeting &amp\; no te cards\n home goods/housewares\n phone accessories\n baked goods\n kids' and adult apparel\n baby/children's gifts\n sewn fabric accessories\n pla nts\n woodworking\n handbags/totes\n men's grooming products\n jewelry\n b ath &amp\; beauty goods\n crocheted accessories\n keychains &amp\; charms\ n original art\n personalized gifts\n\n...and more!\n\n<strong>Free admiss ion and free parking!</strong>\n\nContact: \n DTSTAMP:20240603T174540Z SUMMARY:Hana Holiday Boutique - Torrance\, CA URL:/en/events/2019/12/07/hana-holiday-boutique-torrance-ca/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR