BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20191005T000000Z DTEND:20191207T000000Z DESCRIPTION:DATES:\nSaturday\, October 5\, 9:30 AM\nSaturday\, October 19\, 9:30 AM\nSaturday\, November 2\, 9:30 AM\nSaturday\, November 9\, 9:30 AM \nSaturday\, December 7\, 9:30 AM\nPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSE\nThis 3 0-hour\, five-session professional development course examines historical experiences in Japan with particular focus on foreign exchange throughout its history. Divided over five interactive sessions\, this professional de velopment course provides participants with the resources and skills to cr eate and refine lesson plans for the middle and high school classroom. Som e key content to be explored includes the origin of Japanese people\, earl y relationship with neighboring Asian countries\, Japan&rsquo\;s early con tacts with European countries and changing foreign policy during the Age o f Exploration\, the modernization of Japan in the late 19th and early 20th centuries\, the development of Japanese imperialism\, and Japan&rsquo\;s postwar role as a peaceful economic and cultural superpower.\nTwo P-credit and/or 30 hour CTLE credit are available from the NYC Department of Educa tion for NYC in-service teachers. To receive PD credit\, participants must also register for this course on the ASPDP website.\n<strong>Full course registration:</strong>&nbsp\;$125/$110 Japan Society members (Please use " REGISTER" button above)\n<strong>A la carte registration:</strong>&nbsp\;$ 35/$30 members (Current educators are prioritized for registration)\n$125 or $110 stipend will be provided for NYC in-service teachers upon completi on of P-credit course.\n$125 or $110 stipend available for teachers who se rve in NJ and CT schools (required to participate in all 5 sessions).\nCOU RSE SCHEDULE AND REGISTRATION FOUND HERE:\n\n<a href="https://www.japansoc nge"> ct-of-international-exchange</a> DTSTAMP:20240604T012914Z SUMMARY:Japan Goes Global: History &amp\; Impact of International Exchange URL:/en/events/2019/10/05/japan-goes-global-history-impact-of-internation/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR