BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20191108T000000Z DTEND:20191207T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From the bustle of neon-lit Shinjuku and its ultramodern skyscr apers to the traditional scenery of Mt. Fuji\, cherry blossoms and Shinto shrines\, Tokyo has served as a source of creative inspiration for generat ions of international filmmakers. Anticipating the 2020 Summer Games\, whe n the eyes of the world will once again fall upon Japan&rsquo\;s dynamic c apital\, this film series considers the ways Japan&mdash\;and the elusive concept of &ldquo\;Japaneseness&rdquo\;&mdash\;has been rendered and inter preted outside its borders with a revealing selection of Tokyo-set films b y foreign directors\, including Japanese co-productions\, Hollywood blockb usters and European arthouse favorites.\n<em>Tokyo Stories: Japan in the G lobal Imagination</em>&nbsp\;is part of Japan Society&rsquo\;s year-long\, institution-wide&nbsp\;<a href=" s/passing-the-torch"><em>Passing the Torch</em></a>&nbsp\;series and is or ganized in conjunction with the exhibition&nbsp\;<a href="https://www.japa"><em>Made in Tokyo: Archi tecture and Living\, 1964/2020</em></a>\, on view through Jan. 26.\nTICKET S&nbsp\;\n$14/$11 seniors\, students &amp\; persons with disabilities/$10 members\n<strong>Special Offer:</strong>&nbsp\;Buy tickets to at least 3 d ifferent films in the same transaction and receive $2 off each ticket.\n<s trong>All-Access Pass:</strong>&nbsp\;$77\n\nSchedule and Tickets:\n\n<a h ref=" n-the-global-imagination"> tokyo-stories-japan-in-the-global-imagination</a> DTSTAMP:20240602T191344Z SUMMARY:Tokyo Stories: Japan in the Global Imagination URL:/en/events/2019/11/08/tokyo-stories-japan-in-the-global-imagination/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR