BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210116T000000Z DTEND:20210116T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<p style="white-space: pre-wrap\;">Artist Bryan Ida currently h as his &ldquo\;con.Text&rdquo\; series of unique Ink Portraits on display in the&nbsp\; JAMsj Rotating Exhibit area.&nbsp\;\n\n<p style="white-space : pre-wrap\;">Join us on Saturday January 16\, 2021 as Bryan discusses the se portraits as well as his other work.&nbsp\;\n\n<p style="white-space: p re-wrap\;">The intent of this series is to portray individuals as the embo diment of strength and pride standing defiantly in the face of oppression and fear by a power against them. With the current social and political en vironment and the recent acts that repeat past abuse and injustice\, Bryan is attempting to view historic events in the context of the contemporary climate.\n\n<p style="white-space: pre-wrap\;">The Japanese American Museu m of San Jose is honored to display <a href=" ">Bryan Ida&rsquo\;s portraits in our Rotating Exhibit area</a> .\n\n<p st yle="white-space: pre-wrap\;"><strong>To register for this event\, please go to this link:\n </strong> <a href=" ster/WN_EvHD4r0TT4WOAg5YKCThPA" target="_blank">Zoom event registration pa ge</a>\n\n<p style="white-space: pre-wrap\;">Exhibition information:\n <a href="">con.Text by Bryan Ida</a>\n\n<p style ="white-space: pre-wrap\;">For event information\, contact JAMsj at\n Phon e: (408) 294-3138\n Email: <a href="">publi</a>\n DTSTAMP:20240602T022931Z SUMMARY:Artist Bryan Ida in conversation on his "con.Text" Exhibit URL:/en/events/2021/01/16/artist-bryan-ida-in-conversation-on-his-context/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR