BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210123T000000Z DTEND:20210123T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">$10 or FREE for members< /strong>\n\nJoin filmmaker\,&nbsp\;<strong>Sue Ding</strong>\, and the cas t of the documentary&nbsp\;<em>The Claudia Kishi Club</em>\,&nbsp\;<strong >Naia Cucukov</strong>\,&nbsp\;<strong>Sarah Kuhn</strong>\,&nbsp\;<strong >Gale Galligan</strong>\,&nbsp\;<strong>CB Lee</strong>\,&nbsp\;<strong>Yu mi Sagukawa</strong>\, and&nbsp\;<strong>Phil Yu</strong>\, in a discussio n of the legacy of Claudia Kishi\, the iconic Japanese American character from the hit&nbsp\;<em>Baby-Sitters Club</em>&nbsp\;book series. These Asi an American artists\, writers\, and creatives will discuss how Claudia ins pired them\, a generation of young readers of color\, to create new storie s of their own. Clips from the documentary short will be shown and discuss ed.\n\n<em>The Claudia Kishi Club</em>\, available now on Netflix\, is a l ove letter to Claudia Kishi. With nostalgic readings\, personal recollecti ons\, and DIY style stop motion collages\, this film is a timely and uniqu e exploration of the importance of representation in media.\n\nSue Ding - Director\,&nbsp\;<em>The Claudia Kishi Club</em>\nNaia Cucukov - Executive Producer\,&nbsp\;<em>The Baby-Sitters Club</em>&nbsp\;Netflix Series\nGal e Galligan - Graphic novelist\,&nbsp\;<em>The Baby-Sitters Club</em>\nSara h Kuhn - Author and comic book writer\,&nbsp\;<em>Heroine Complex and Batg irl</em>\nCB Lee - Author\,&nbsp\;<em>The Sidekick Squad</em>\nYumi Sakuga wa - Artist and author\,&nbsp\;<em>Fashion Forecasts</em>\nPhil Yu - Write r and podcast host\,&nbsp\;<em>Angry Asian Man</em>&nbsp\;and&nbsp\;<em>Th ey Call Us Bruce</em>\n<em></em>\n<strong>RSVPs are required using the lin k below</strong>. You will be emailed links and instructions to join the c onversation on Zoom. Contact if you have any addit ional questions or specific access concerns.\n\n<strong><a href="https://9\;txobjid=0886ac26-99dc-4 845-8f61-1509fb4103b9" target="_blank">RSVP NOW</a></strong> DTSTAMP:20240602T223141Z SUMMARY:The Claudia Kishi Club reunion URL:/en/events/2021/01/23/the-claudia-kishi-club-reunion/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR