BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210807T000000Z DTEND:20210807T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join <strong>Naomi Hirahara</strong>\, Edgar Award-winning aut hor of <em>Clark and Division</em>\, for a virtual conversation and Q&amp \;A on blending history and fiction in this powerful new mystery.\n\n<em>A bout the Book:</em>\n\nChicago\, 1944: Twenty-year-old Aki Ito and her par ents have just been released from Manzanar\, where they have been detained by the US government since the aftermath of Pearl Harbor\, together with thousands of other Japanese Americans. The life in California the Itos wer e forced to leave behind is gone\; instead\, they are being resettled two thousand miles away in Chicago\, where Aki’s older sister\, Rose\, was s ent months earlier and moved to the new Japanese American neighborhood nea r Clark and Division streets. But on the eve of the Ito family’s reunion \, Rose is killed by a subway train.\n\nAki\, who worshipped her sister\, is stunned. Officials are ruling Rose’s death a suicide. Aki cannot beli eve her perfect\, polished\, and optimistic sister would end her life. Her instinct tells her there is much more to the story\, and she knows she is the only person who could ever learn the truth.\n\nInspired by historical events\, <em>Clark and Division</em> infuses an atmospheric and heartbr eakingly real crime fiction plot with rich period details and delicately w rought personal stories Naomi Hirahara has gleaned from thirty years of re search and archival work in Japanese American history.\n\n<em>Clark and Di vision</em> will be available at the <a href="">JA NM Store</a> starting August 3. Signed copies will be available.\n\n<a hr ef="\;txobjid=1e 17ba79-cde1-4e9d-919b-f94d7f9ffd8a" target="_blank"><strong>RSVP NOW</stro ng></a>\n\n<a href=" et-and-greet-naomi-hirahara">JANM Members are invited to join us for a vir tual meet-and-greet before this program at 1 p.m. (PDT)</a> RSVPs are se parate for each program. DTSTAMP:20240602T151536Z SUMMARY:Author Discussion—Clark and Division by Naomi Hirahara URL:/en/events/2021/08/07/author-discussionclark-and-division-by-naomi-hira / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR