BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220116T000000Z DTEND:20220116T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Step into adulthood the Japanese way!\nExperience Japan ese Culture\nCreat Community of SEIJIN 2022</strong>\n\n<span style="text- decoration: underline\;"><strong>The 3rd annual SEIJIN-shiki USA\, the US- Japan Coming of Age Celebration\n</strong><a href=" 22-celebration/"></a>\n\n<span style ="font-weight: bold\;">Date: Sunday\, January 16\, 2022\, 1-3pm (PST)\n\nJ IA Foundation and Consulate-General of Japan in Seattle will host the 3rd annual SEIJIN-shiki USA\, the US-Japan Friendship Coming of Age Celebratio n\, on January 16\, 2022. The ceremony is held in English and<strong> welc omes any US residents who were born between between January 2000 and March 2002.</strong>\n\n<strong></strong> Participants can choose to <strong>a ttend virtually from anywhere in the USA </strong>or in person at Bellevue College\, WA. Special ZOOM access is given to registered new SEIJINs for fun virtual social time with fellow new SEIJINs.\n\n<strong>Please regster to attend now!\n<a href='http://We welcome "new SEIJINs\, "any US residen ts born between January 2000 and March 2002.Choose to attend online from a nywhere in the USA virtually or attend in-person at Bellevue College Carls on Theater Please regster to attend now! http// stration/'></a></strong>\n\n<stro ng>★Inspiring speeches★\n★Kimono Talk★\n★Special Kendama x Taiko Collaboration Performance ★\n★interactive game time and prizes★</st rong>\n\n<strong><span style="text-decoration: underline\;">Register now t o save your spot!</strong>\n★Online or in-person\, the first 150 who sub mit profile photos will be recognized as "SEIJIN 2022" at the celebration. \n\n★The first 200 registrants for online attendance will receive origin al SEIJIN certificates and mementos in the mail.\n\n★The in-person atten dance is limited to the first 100 registrants*\n*requirements to attend in -person*\n・submit a copy of COVID-19 vaccination card at registration\n ・wear a mask during the celebration\n・Maintain social distance\n\n<str ong>General Audience</strong>\nIf you are not new SEIJIN\, you can still e xperience the celebration on YouTube livestream on January 16\, 2022\n<a h ref="General Audience If you are not new SEIJIN\, you can still experience the celebration on YouTube livestream on January 16\, 2022 https://www.yo Planning is underway and updates will be mad e on our 2022 website and on our s ocial media @SeijinUSA For more information\, please contact contact@ Previous celebrations http"> v=Ldl-NdS9rxE</a>\n\n<blockquote>\n\nPlanning is underway and updates will be made on our 2022 website <a href=" n/"></a> and on our social media<str ong> @SeijinUSA</strong>\n\n<strong> </strong>\nFor more information\, ple ase contact \\n\nPrevious celebrations:\n<a href="ht tp:// "> on/ </a>\n<a href=""> http://seijinu</a>\n\n<strong>About JIA Foundation</strong>\nThe JIA Foundation was founded in 2014 to meet the needs of the current wave of Japanese immigrants and expats who greatly benefit from Japanese langua ge-specific services. "JIA'' is an acronym that stands for Japanese in Ame rica. We define "JIA'' as those of any race and nationality who appreciate Japanese culture and values. Community\, education\, and identity are the key components of JIA programs. JIA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) NPO and ope rated solely by volunteers.\n\n</blockquote> DTSTAMP:20240604T230157Z SUMMARY:US-Japan Friendship Coming of Age Celebration URL:/en/events/2022/01/16/us-japan-friendship-coming-of-age-celebration/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR