BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220403T000000Z DTEND:20220403T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Kenny Endo Contemporary Taiko – 45th Anniversary Tour : Breaking Through Tradition to Innovation</strong>\n\nCelebrating his 45t h Anniversary in Taiko\, <strong>Kenny Endo</strong> stands at the vangu ard of the taiko genre. For 45 years\, he has led the way in the U.S. for this Japanese style of drumming\, and was the first non-national to be hon ored with a “natori\,” a stage name\, in Japan. As a jazz percussionis t and award-winning innovator in Japanese taiko\, Kenny Endo embodies the history of taiko in the U.S. and his adventurous spirit continues to stret ch the genre\, incorporating such influences as funk\, jazz\, Afro-Cuban & amp\; Hawaiian\, with roots firmly grounded in tradition. His performances are nuanced\, brilliant\, exciting! Raves a recent presenter\, “the con cert was absolutely amazing....a modern approach to percussion that I beli eve is unique in the world today.”\n\n<a href=" /">Website</a>\n\n<a href=" 2022/k/kenny-endo/">Tickets</a>: $25. There is a 2 drink or $12 food minim um\, per person\, during every show at Joe's Pub. \n\nDoors Open 6PM. \n \nFor last-minute tickets\, please visit our Box Office at 425 Lafayette S treet. Web sales and phone sales end when doors open\, and tickets are oft en released for in-person\, walk-up sale right before the show begins. DTSTAMP:20240602T070431Z SUMMARY:Kenny Endo Celebrating 45 Years of Taiko URL:/en/events/2022/04/03/kenny-endo-celebrating-45-years-of-taiko/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR