BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220604T000000Z DTEND:20220604T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE*</strong>\n\n<a hre f="\;txobjid=5c90 fc5a-4e82-4d36-a6c8-3cbbd73acfa7">IN PERSON RSVP</a>      <a href="htt p://\;txobjid=05375ede-b 7b6-494c-8522-2da170e4d59d">VIRTUAL RSVP</a>\n\nB<em>eyond the Betrayal: t he Memoir of a WWII Japanese American Draft Resister of Conscience</em> b y Yoshito Kuromiya (1923–2018) is the only book-length memoir written by a World War II Japanese American draft resister of conscience\,Yoshito Ku romiya. Join editor <strong>Arthur A. Hansen</strong>\, a leading scholar of Japanese American history\, and <strong>Lawson Fusao Inada</strong>\, renowned poet\, in conversation with Kuromiya’s family around the groun dbreaking publication.\n\n*Please note that this program is now FREE. We are thankful for the generosity of our members and audiences whose support allows us to continue to provide free and accessible programming. Please use the “additional donation” option when reserving tickets to donate what you can or become a member today by visiting <a href="https://www.jan"></a>.\n\n<em>About the Book:</em>\nAs a World War II inmate at Wyoming’s Heart Mountain concentration camp\, Kuromiya resisted the military draft on the grounds that the US government had deprived him (and his family) of his fundamental rights as an America n citizen. Although a total of some 300 other inmates in the 10 War Reloca tion Authority-administered incarceration centers made the same choice on similar grounds\, Kuromiya alone has produced an autobiographical volume t hat explores in-depth the short- and long-range causes and consequences of his wartime action. <em>Beyond the Betrayal </em>is a book that makes i t abundantly clear that the unjustly imprisoned World War II Nisei could a nd did exercise their patriotism not only by serving in the military\, but also by the act of refusing to do so in the name of civil liberties and s ocial justice.\n\nThe book includes an epigraph written by the draft resis tance movement’s most prominent postwar promoter\, Frank Chin\; a prefac e by the draft resistance movement’s most notable historian\, Eric L. Mu ller\; and a poetic foreword and afterword (the latter dedicated to Yosh K uromiya) written by another significant postwar promoter of the draft resi stance movement who is arguably the most reputed extant third-generation J apanese American poet\, Lawson Inada. The book was edited by Art Hansen\, one of the leading scholars and noted historians of the incarceration of J apanese Americans during WWII and Professor Emeritus of History and Asian American Studies at California State University\, Fullerton.\n\n<em>Beyond the Betrayal is</em> available in the <a href=" oducts/beyond-the-betrayal?_pos=1&amp\;_sid=04fe9308a&amp\;_ss=r">JANM Sto re</a>.\n DTSTAMP:20240604T232932Z SUMMARY:Author Discussion—Beyond the Betrayal with Arthur Hansen &amp\; L awson Inada URL:/en/events/2022/06/04/author-discussionbeyond-the-betrayal-with-arthur/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR