BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220711T000000Z DTEND:20220724T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Greetings\,\n\nKokoro Dance invites you to take part in our 28t h Annual Wreck Beach Butoh performance workshop from July 11 - 24\, 2022 o n Vancouver's largest stage with costumes\, set\, lighting\, and sound by Mother Nature.\n\nWreck Beach Butoh has been performed annually by Kokoro Dance for the past twenty-seven years. It is one of our favourite performa nces but also a test of the stamina and spirit of our performers. This int ensive butoh workshop is open to anyone willing to work physically hard an d endure difficult performing conditions. If you would like to participate \, please download the 2022 Wreck Beach Butoh registration form below.\n\n <a href=" _gsyyc1PFzazaFKXJyK2IY4ray2RGPP_O4Pi2N4kaK8WZUPaziH7vY4k9sligPgmtLZKHeBvJQ poB5si9l5bBdPqVTYxdnpb328Z4zKr1kzrxNEZkO7T_LxI-ws3FmkR335dVEVWfw8Rnk90IQit AD6M93ekzIT1gAiDqOyzC4=&amp\;c=SJtRqMV6BYs7YO8azvItaO8XfFZ8ATRNp1H08a7mRfz 6-zZ7dR0RaA==&amp\;ch=o1Etiaz_OVVCkxDjQZfxPO1aCmNmKru3G5qGqh1SAURszOLqwWaX GQ==" target="_blank">Registration Form</a>\n\nTotal Workshop fee: $452.00 for new participants\; $32.00 for past participants.\n\nThe workshop will consist of morning classes and afternoon rehearsals\, in workout clothing \, at KW Studios in the Woodward’s Heritage Building (on the corner of A bbott St. and West Hastings St.). Performances take place at 11am on Satur day\, July 23\, 2022 and 12pm on Sunday\, July 24\, 2022 at Wreck Beach (f oot of the <a href=" Vf_-o3NuIxPl_gsyyc1PFzazaFKXJyK2IY4ray2RGPPxg4upCqSdDIG1ym6rDFYFrkj6LJ2frQ DeuC8adoM5HTFJBTBOaRsdz5g95gNukcjpSy_DgZMROQP1DO1m-_IsPNGRTVP96fQYtSOWwzvp nzNXDj7jDxcK1ccl4Q8ELHZ&amp\;c=SJtRqMV6BYs7YO8azvItaO8XfFZ8ATRNp1H08a7mRfz 6-zZ7dR0RaA==&amp\;ch=o1Etiaz_OVVCkxDjQZfxPO1aCmNmKru3G5qGqh1SAURszOLqwWaX GQ==" target="_blank">#4 Trail </a>below the UBC Museum of Anthropology.\ n\nBarbara Bourget and Jay Hirabayashi DTSTAMP:20240603T064629Z SUMMARY:Vancouver's 28th Annual Wreck Beach Butoh Performance! URL:/en/events/2022/07/11/vancouvers-28th-annual-wreck-beach-butoh-performa / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR