BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20221203T000000Z DTEND:20221203T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Come celebrate this legendary Toronto taiko group's 25th annive rsary at the Al Green Theatre!!!\n\nThere are still a limited number of t ickets to see Nagata Shachu's season opening concert "Twenty-Five" celebra ting 25 years of creating a vibrant taiko scene in Toronto and beyond! <s trong>Tickets:</strong> <a href=" /track/click?u=09a5bba9053f63f5e0cb17afa&amp\;id=f490eff262&amp\;e=2f12f13 da3" target="_blank"></a>\n\nIt's also not too late to subscribe to their concert season and save 30% on all reg ular priced adult priced tickets.  Contact <a href="https://nagatashachu\;id=09086 37ce7&amp\;e=2f12f13da3" target="_blank"></a> for m ore information about subscriptions.\n\n$30-$40: Adults\n\n$20-$30: Studen ts and Seniors\n\n$35-$45 at the door (plus HST)\n\\n \ DTSTAMP:20240607T022151Z SUMMARY:Toronto's Nagata Shachu 25th anniversary concert on Dec. 3rd!! URL:/en/events/2022/12/03/torontos-nagata-shachu-25th-anniversary-concert-o / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR