BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230116T000000Z DTEND:20230116T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Oscar nominated Nikkei screenwriter Iris Yamashita will discuss her debut Novel <em>City Under One Roof</em> for a free\, virtual book talk with Michael Takeuchi on Monday\, January 16 at 7 p.m. (Pacific Time) via Zoom (<a href="">https://us06web</a>)and YouTube Live!  (<a href="https://www.yout"> 1901/streams</a> ).\n\n<strong>Description</strong>\n\n<strong>A stranded detective tries to solve a murder in a tiny Alaskan town where everyone l ives in a single high-rise building\, in this gripping debut by an Academ y Award–nominated screenwriter.</strong>\n\nWhen a local teenager discov ers a severed hand and foot washed up on the shore of the small town of Po int Mettier\, Alaska\, Cara Kennedy is on the case. A detective from Ancho rage\, she has her own motives for investigating the possible murder in t his isolated place\, which can be accessed only by a tunnel.\n \nAfter a blizzard causes the tunnel to close indefinitely\, Cara is stuck among the odd and suspicious residents of the town—all 205 of whom live in the sa me high-rise building and are as icy as the weather. Cara teams up with P oint Mettier police officer Joe Barkowski\, but before long the investigat ion is upended by fearsome gang members from a nearby native village.\n  \nHaunted by her past\, Cara soon discovers that everyone in this town has something to hide. Will she be able to unravel their secrets before she u nravels?"\n\n<span style="font-size: 1.17em\;">About the Author\n\n<strong >Iris Yamashita </strong>is an Academy Award–nominated screenwriter for the movie <em>Letters from Iwo Jima</em>. She has been working in Hollyw ood for fifteen years developing material for both film and streaming\, ha s taught screenwriting at UCLA\, and is an advocate of women and diversity in the entertainment industry. She has also been a judge and mentor for v arious film and writing programs\, and lives in California.\n\nAbout the H ost\n\nMichael Takeuchi is a journalist and writer based in Santa Barbara\ , California.  He is also the events coordinator at Chaucer's Bookstore.   DTSTAMP:20240603T030632Z SUMMARY:Virtual Book Talk with Academy Award Nominated Writer Iris Yamashit a URL:/en/events/2023/01/16/virtual-book-talk-with-academy-award-nominated-wr i/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR