BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230603T000000Z DTEND:20230603T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Nagata Shachu is proud and honoured be the lead partner in a ne w and exciting Asian multi-arts festival in Scarborough called "Together W e Rise" on Saturday\, June 3.  Come and enjoy free performances\, food an d dance/movement workshops\, and storytelling at the Scarborough Civic Cen tre\, and free film screenings (June 2) at Cineplex Cinemas (Scarborough T own Centre).  Please visit <a href="https://nagatashachu.us7.list-manage .com/track/click?u=09a5bba9053f63f5e0cb17afa&amp\;id=8f66d52561&amp\;e=2f1 2f13da3" target="_blank"></a> for the full schedule. \n\nFestival highlights include a commissioned performance by Nagata Shach u's own <strong>Aki Takahashi</strong> who will lead her group <a href= " cb17afa&amp\;id=b8f951e86b&amp\;e=2f12f13da3" target="_blank"><strong><em> ten ten</em></strong></a>\, an eclectic music and dance collective fusing traditional Japanese music with a contemporary twist.\n<strong>Nagata Shac hu</strong> will offer a hands-on Japanese drum workshop from\n3:30 pm to 4:00 pm followed by a performance at 4:15 pm.\n\n<strong>Together We Rise </strong> is a partnership between The Japan Foundation Toronto\, Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival\, Council of Agencies Serving Sout h Asians (CASSA)\, tiger princess dance projects\, Empowered Phu Nu\, and project lead Nagata Shachu\, and is supported by the Ontario Arts Council\ , Ontario Trillium Foundation\, Toronto Arts Council and Canadian Heritage DTSTAMP:20240601T204142Z SUMMARY:Toronto's Together We Rise Asian Arts Festival URL:/en/events/2023/06/03/torontos-together-we-rise-asian-arts-festival/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR