BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20050703T000000Z DTEND:20050703T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Sunday\, July 3\, 2005\, 7:30 pm\nat Shastice Park\, Mt. Shasta \, CA\n\nCome celebrate the nation's independence and see the wonderful Sh asta Taiko troupe perform with special guests Shoji Kameda & Micehelle Fuj i. This year we have a special performance by 'San Jose Taiko' the premier American taiko group.\n\n<!--break-->\n\nTickets $16\nTickets available o nline before June 29 at <a href="">www.shastatai</a>. For more information\, call 530-926-3353. Tickets are also ava ilable at: Village Books and Soul Connections\, Mt Shasta\; Yreka Chamber of Commerce\; Serendipity\, Redding\; and at the gate.\n\nEvent Sponsored by:\nMt. Shasta Chamber of Commerce\nShasta Mountain Playhouse\nRussel Bab a and Jeanne Mercer \nCelebration Foundation\nMt. Shasta Recreation Distri ct DTSTAMP:20240603T000440Z SUMMARY:Shasta Yama: Festival of Rhythm and Music in Mount Shasta\, CA on J uly 3 URL:/en/events/2005/07/03/shasta-yama-festival-of-rhythm-and-music-in-mount -/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR