BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20050424T000000Z DTEND:20050424T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Discussion and Book Signing: <i>Heartbeat of Struggle: Revoluti onary Life of Yuri Kochiyama</i>\n\nSunday\, April 24\, 2005 -- 11:00am\nJ apanese American National Museum\n369 East First Street\nLos Angeles\, CA 90012\nFree with museum admission. \n\nIn their only joint Southern Califo rnia appearance\, activist Yuri Kochiyama and author Diane C. Fujino will discuss and sign <b><i>Heartbeat of Struggle: The Revolutionary Life of Yu ri Kochiyama</i></b>. Yuri Kochiyama was the most prominent Asian American activist to emerge during the 1960's. Kochiyama was actively involved in the Civil Rights movement and is still a tireless defender and fighter for human rights. \n\nCall (213) 625-0414 to reserve a seat today!\n\n\nRead more on Yuri Kochiyama in the Discover Nikkei website: \n\n<ul><li><a>Nikk ei Resources > Politics & Government > Yuri Kochiyama</a>\n</li><li><a hre f=" \;person=Kochiyama%2CYuri">Real People video archive: Yuri Kochiyama</a>\n </li></ul> DTSTAMP:20240602T223233Z SUMMARY:Activist Yuri Kochiyama to discuss "Heartbeat of Struggle: The Revo lutionary Life of Yuri Kochiyama" with author Diane C. Fujino URL:/en/events/2005/04/24/activist-yuri-kochiyama-to-discuss-heartbeat-of-s t/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR