BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20050625T000000Z DTEND:20050625T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<b>Japanese Festival Sounds and Khmer Arts Academy</b>\nSaturda y\, June 25\, 2005\nW.M. Keck Children's Amphitheatre at the Walt Disney C oncert Hall\nPerformance begins at 12:30pm and repeats at 2pm\n\nPlease jo in us for the 2004-05 season of World City at the W.M. Keck Foundation Chi ldren's Amphitheatre at Walt Disney Concert Hall. World City features inte rnationally renowned artists in admission-free performances. \n\nAn amazin g fusion of old and new cultures employing the taiko and shakuhachi (flute )\, Japanese Festival Sounds was created by master musician Johnny Mori\, musical director of Kinnara Taiko and a member of the well known contempor ary jazz group Hiroshima. Khmer Arts Academy will then take audiences to a ncient Cambodia\, presenting the highly stylized dances and lavish costume s of Southeast Asia.\n\nPerformance times are generally 12:30pm and 2pm. P lease check each show for exact times. In case of rain both performances a nd workshops will be moved inside. All World City events are free and open to the public and no reservations are required. Free tickets for both sho ws will be distributed starting an hour before the first show on the day o f the event. \n\nFor further information\, see the <a href="http://www.mus">Music Center</a> web site. DTSTAMP:20240606T103635Z SUMMARY:Japanese Festival Sounds and Khmer Arts Academy - Los Angeles\, Jun e 25\, 2005 URL:/en/events/2005/06/25/japanese-festival-sounds-and-khmer-arts-academy-- -/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR