BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060719T000000Z DTEND:20070721T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Japanese American National Museum and the National Center f or the Preservation of Democracy are co-sponsoring the 2006-2007 National Summer Institute for Educators in Los Angeles from July 18-21\, 2007.\n\nT he Institute's theme is "Diversity: Making Democracy Work." The Summer In stitute participants will first gather in Los Angeles from July 19-22\, 20 06 and will re-convene in July 18-21\, 2007. Approximately 30 educators f rom Arizona\, Arkansas\, California\, Colorado\, New Mexico\, Texas\, and Utah have been invited to join us to accomplish the following programmatic goals:\n\nSHORT-TERM GOALS:\n(1) Receive an overview of the Japanese Amer ican National Museum and National Center for the Preservation of Democracy . \n(2) Gain resources that prompt the expansion of curriculum content t o include more perspectives and stories to further problematize history. \n(3) Acquire increased tools and ideas on the following: curriculum writi ng using essential questions\, student video oral histories\, incorporatin g primary sources into curriculum writing\, building a learning community. \n(4) Create and pilot standards-based curriculum that explores an essenti al question.\n\nLONG-TERM GOALS:\n(1) Understand that the role of American pluralism (including ethnicity and cultural diversity) is foundational to American democracy.\n(2) Participate in a learning community of professio nals\, both geographically proximal and distant\, that will learn together \, create lessons together\, share/discuss the results of their work\, and be inspired to become lifelong practioners of democracy within a communit y of learners.\n\nThis Institute is by invitation only. DTSTAMP:20240609T192256Z SUMMARY:2006-2007 National Summer Institute for Educators URL:/en/events/2006/07/19/2006-2007-national-summer-institute-for-educators / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR