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2025年2月8日(土) • 12 p.m.—7:30 p.m. (太平洋標準時) 



  • コミュニティフェア:ニッケイ団体インフォブース、クラフト、抽選会、スタンプラリー(無料・事前登録を推奨しています)

  • 家族史のワークショップ:ジャーナリング(書く瞑想)、ビデオライフヒストリーインタビュー、ニッケイ家系図入門、アーティファクト保存、詩のワークショップ、シニアの思い出の記録

  • ニッケイ家族史・パネルディスカッション:【モデレーター】ナオミ・ヒラハラ 【パネリスト】ミチ・ホンマ(米国)、アンドリュー・ハセガワ(オーストラリア)、ハルミ・ロペス・ヒガ(ペルー)、グース・ホカマ(アルゼンチン)、ジョルジ・オクバロ(ブラジル)

  • レセプション: 音楽パフォーマンス、「ニッケイ」ならではの軽食とドリンク、フォトブース、サイレントオークション



2024年 12 月 28 日より一般チケット販売開始。JANM 会員先行チケットは現在販売中


The Nippon FoundationPort of Long Beach the green port orion beer

メディア・スポンサー:   rafu shimpo logo


yakult morinaga aquamar orion beer day-lee foods Ito En Bandai Namco Kings Hawaiian





ニマの声: 第16話—グラシエラ・ナカチ


[言語: スペイン語]

In the seventeenth episode, pediatrician and Professor of Medicine Graciela Nakachi, who has written for Discover Nikkei about her father’s immigration to Peru and her upbringing as a Peruvian Nisei, was interviewed by guest host Enrique Higa, a Lima-based journalist. Graciela spoke about her childhood in Huancayo, her youth attending Jishuryo, her studies in the US, her thoughts on Peruvian Nikkei identity, and much more.


ニマの声: 第16話—スタンリー・カーク



In the sixteenth episode, researcher and writer of Japanese Canadian history Stan Kirk was interview by guest host Masumi Izumi, professor of North American Studies at Doshisha University. Stan spoke about his research into Japanese Canadians who were exiled to Japan at the end of World War II, how he first learned of this history, why he uses the term "exile" instead of "deportee," and more. It was a fascinating conversation and we're looking forward to sharing more of Stan's research in the future!


ニマの声: 第15話—リー・A・トノウチ



In the fifteenth episode, Okinawan Yonsei and poet/writer/playwright Lee A. Tonouchi was interviewed by guest host Wesley Ueunten, a Okinawan Sansei and Chair of the Asian American Studies Department at San Francisco State University. They chatted about Lee growing up in Hawai‘i as a fourth-generation Okinawan, how he became “Da Pidgin Guerilla,” his poetry (and “Andagi Nazi” grandmother), and his “Much Mahalos” articles on Discover Nikkei. Plus, Wesley plays the sanshin!


ニマの声: 第14話—マイケル・ケンジ・アベ



In the fourteenth episode, Canadian Sansei Michael Kenji Abe, project manager for Past Wrongs, Future Choices, was interviewed by guest host Sherri Kajiwara, Director of the Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre in Burnaby, British Columbia. They chatted about his father’s family’s experiences during World War II; living in Japan; and the Past Wrongs, Future Choices and Landscapes of Injustice projects.


ニマの声: 第13話—アルデン・M・ハヤシ



In the thirteenth episode, Alden M. Hayashi, a Sansei writer originally from Hawai‘i now living in Boston, was interviewed by guest host Mia Barnett, co-chair of Okaeri, a Nikkei LGBTQ+ community group. They chatted about why he decided to shift from writing about science, technology, and business to writing about Nikkei experiences and his first novel, Two Nails, One Love; his relationship with his family and cultural connections; and his sense of identity as a gay Nikkei man.


ニマの声: 第12話—クリスティン・ネモト・ジャイ 



In the twelfth episode, Kristen Nemoto Jay, editor of The Hawaii Herald, was interviewed by guest host Shari Y. Tamashiro, a cybrarian who has helped share the stories of Hawai‘i Japanese and Okinawans through various projects. Last year, Discover Nikkei began sharing articles by Kristen originally published in The Herald. Her late grandfather, a 442nd RCT veteran, helped create the sister-city relationship between Bruyeres, France and Honolulu, Hawai‘i. They chatted about her family and background, Japanese American history and communities in Hawai‘i, The Hawai‘i Herald, and more!





Sergio Hernández Galindo, autor y profesor e investigador de la Unidad de Estudios Históricos del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia de México, fue entrevistado por el anfitrión invitado Alberto Matsumoto, un activista nisei argentino, conferencista, escritor e intérprete judicial para los nikkei en Japón. Mira la conversación sobre la historia y las comunidades nikkeis en México, incluyendo el trato a los japoneses en México durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y su impacto a largo plazo, tanto positivo como negativo. Los japoneses se habían visto obligados a mudarse a la Ciudad de México y Guadalajara durante la guerra y las comunidades nikkei se concentran en estas ciudades hasta el día de hoy. También hablaron sobre la participación japonesa en la Revolución Mexicana, Tatsugoro Matsumoto, Carlos Kasuga y su madre Mitsuko, Masao Imuro (un ultranacionalista poco conocido que estaba bajo la vigilancia del gobierno de los EE. UU.), ¡y más! 





In the tenth episode, Denver-based author Gil Asakawa was interviewed by guest host Nancy Matsumoto, a freelance writer and editor who covers agroecology, food and drink, the arts, and Japanese/Japanese American culture. Gil chatted with Nancy about his background; sense of identity as a Japanese American; his newly released book, Tabemasho! Let’s Eat!: A Tasty History of Japanese Food in America; stereotyping and social justice issues; his love of food; and more!





In the ninth episode, Greg Robinson, a noted author and scholar of Japanese and Canadian American history, was interviewed by guest host Lisa Doi, a curatorial assistant at the Japanese American National Museum and a PhD Student in American Studies at Indiana University. Greg has been contributing articles to Discover Nikkei since 2009, shedding light on extraordinary, yet little-known Nikkei, many of which were published in an award-winning anthology, The Unsung Great: Portraits of Extraordinary Japanese Americans. They chatted about some of his favorite stories from the book, his connections to Discover Nikkei, and more!





O 8º episódio (e o primeiro em português!) apresentou Laura Honda-Hasegawa, uma Sansei de São Paulo, Brasil, cuja escrita compartilha suas experiências e perspectivas de ser Nikkei e de outras pessoas. Ela foi entrevistada ao vivo pela apresentadora convidada Patricia Murakami, uma advogada nipo-brasileira de São Paulo que atua em muitas associações nikkeis. Elas discutiram o "Ohayo Bom Dia", a primeira série de Laura no Descubra Nikkei sobre ser nikkei brasileira; suas histórias fictícias explorando a vida de dekasseguis que moram no Japão; comunidades nikkeis no Brasil; suas experiências vivendo no Japão; Descubra Nikkei; e mais.


第7話—川井 龍介








The sixth episode featured Christine Piper, an award-winning, mixed-race Japanese-Australian author. She was interviewed live by guest host Emily Anderson (Project Curator at JANM and a specialist on modern Japan) about her family background; her writing; the Japanese/Nikkei community in Australia, especially during World War II; and her experience as a field research facilitator for the Global Nikkei Young Adult Research Project.





The fifth episode featured Jay Horinouchi—a Japanese American artist/consultant—interviewed by guest host Soji Kashiwagi. They talked about the challenges of designing the Nikkei Chronicles graphics and reflected on the 10th anniversary of the Great Tohoku Kanto earthquake. Jay was living in Japan in 2011 and assisted with post-tsunami recovery efforts. As Executive Director of the Grateful Crane Ensemble, Soji led three goodwill tours to Tohoku in 2014, 2016, and 2018 where the group performed songs of hope and healing for survivors.




[言語: スペイン語]

El cuarto episodio y primero en idioma español de “Voces Nima” presenta al argentino japonés Juan Alberto Matsumoto con la anfitriona invitada Mónica Kogiso. Ambos son nisei, originarios de Escobar, Argentina. Alberto habló sobre sus antecedentes, la ciudad de Escobar en donde creció, las comunidades nikkeis en Argentina, su identidad, los nikkeis en Japón y la educación para hijos de dekasegi, sus experiencias en la guerra de las Malvinas y más. Lean todas las historias de Alberto aquíMiren la entrevista de historia oral de Alberto aquí.

Mónica Kogiso es una comunicadora y puente cultural entre el Japón y Argentina. Ella es coordinadora de producción para los medios japoneses y organiza viajes y eventos que promueven los vínculos entre diversas personas y culturas. Es expresidenta del Centro Nikkei Argentino, y ha participado activamente en la Asociación Panamericana Nikkei. Ella promueve y trabaja para apoyar el desarrollo de los jóvenes líderes nikkei de Argentina y América Latina. Por largo tiempo, ha sido colaboradora de Descubra a los Nikkei.




[言語: 英語]

The third episode featured Discover Nikkei contributor Tamiko Nimura with guest host, Japanese American youth activist Justin Kawaguchi. Tamiko talked about her family—especially her uncle, the late playwright Hiroshi Kashiwagi; her sense of cultural identity and the importance of traditions; the Nikkei community in the Pacific Northwest, particularly Tacoma, WA; and her upcoming book, a co-written graphic novel, titled We Hereby Refuse: Japanese American Resistance to Wartime Incarceration (Chin Music Press/Wing Luke Asian Museum). Read Tamiko’s work here.




[言語: 英語]

The second episode featured Erik Matsunaga with guest host, award-winning author Naomi Hirahara. Erik talked about his family, projects to map historic Japanese American neighborhoods in Chicago, his @windycitynikkei Instagram account, and his other articles on Discover Nikkei. Read Erik’s work here.

Naomi Hirahara is the author of the Edgar Award-winning Mas Arai mystery series, she has written several 12-part serials for Discover Nikkei, including her latest, Ten Days of Cleanup. Her historical mystery, Clark and Division, set in 1944 Chicago, will be released in August 2021 by Soho Crime. Read Naomi’s stories on Discover Nikkei.


第1話 チャック・タサカ


[言語: 英語]

The inaugural episode featured Japanese Canadian Chuck Tasaka with guest host, actor and comedian Kyle Mizono. Chuck talked about unique Canadian Nikkei foods; how Greenwood, BC became the first Japanese Canadian internment camp during WWII and remained a Nikkei community after the war; Nisei nicknames; his Nikkei heroes; and more. Read all of Chuck's stories here.

Kyle Mizono is a comedian based in Los Angeles who recently made a Comedy Central digital series called “Girl Kyle.” She’s also been featured on NPR’s This American Life, Viceland, FreeForm, and Adult Swim.











Nikkei Uncovered IV: a poetry reading



We held our fourth virtual poetry reading with a powerful lineup of poets previously featured in Discover Nikkei’s Nikkei Uncovered: a poetry columnChristine KitanoMia Ayumi Malholtra, and Matthew Mejiatraci kato-kiriyama (author of Navigating With(out) Instruments) hosted this special evening.

Christine Kitano is a poet, associate professor of creative writing and literature at Stony Brook University, and author of Sky Country and Birds of Paradise. Her father was incarcerated at Topaz concentration camp and helped found UCLA’s Asian American Studies Center. Her mother immigrated from Korea as a teenager. Kitano’s poetry and scholarship explore these familial legacies.

Matthew Mejia is an American poet and an award-winning professor. He is driven and inspired by his Japanese, Mexican, and Indigenous ancestry. Through art, he heals generations of violence and abuse to unify his communities. In the classroom, he advocates for student success and believes that students are the foundation on which academia stands.

Mia Ayumi Malhotra is the author of Mothersalt and Isako Isako, a California Book Award finalist and winner of the Nautilus Gold Award, Alice James Award, National Indie Excellence Award, and Maine Literary Award. Her work has been recognized internationally with the Hawker Prize for Southeast Asian Poetry and the Singapore Poetry Prize. She is a founding member of The Ruby SF, a gathering space for women and nonbinary artists.


Virtual Book Launch: In Search of Hiroshi with Gene Oishi

2024 年 6 月 6 日


Discover Nikkei and Kaya Press presented a conversation between author Gene Oishi, his daughter Eve Oishi, and scholar Koji Lau-Ozawa to celebrate Oishi’s newly revised 1988 work, In Search of Hiroshi—a powerful memoir about his lifelong struggle to claim both his Japanese and American identities in the aftermath of World War II.

Read excerpts from In Search of Hiroshi on Discover Nikkei.

This program is a partnership between Discover Nikkei, a project of JANM, and Kaya Press.


第11回 イマジンリトル東京ショートストーリーコンテスト授賞式


[言語: 英語、一部日本語]

Marvel at the amazing ways writers expand the fictional boundaries of Little Tokyo and the Japanese American experience! In this celebration of the 11th Annual Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest on June 1, 2024, actors Ayumi Ito, Kurt Kanazawa, and Chloe Madriaga performed dramatic readings of the winning short stories in the Japanese Language, Adult, and Youth categories.

Writer, producer, and organizer Sean Miura emceed the ceremony, while representatives from the judges' panels presented remarks and introduced the winning stories—“New Otani Wedding” by DC and Satsuki Palter (Japanese); “Little Things” by Madeline Thach (Youth); and “When Next We Meet” by Brandon Tadashi Chung (Adult). 2024 marks the 140th anniversary of Little Tokyo, and this year’s event was a vibrant celebration of its history and culture by those who love it.

Each category winner receives a cash prize and their story will be published in The Rafu Shimpo, on Discover Nikkei, and on the Little Tokyo Historical Society website.

Read all of the winning stories here.

 Featured guests:


Ayumi Ito won a Japanese Academy Film Prize for Newcomer of the Year in director Shunji Iwai’s 1997 film Swallowtail Butterfly. Ito made her US drama series debut as Misaki in Max’s original series Tokyo Vice. She also voiced the role of Tifa Lockhart in the videogame Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. She will be recording her reading in Japan, and it will be broadcast at the awards celebration.



Kurt Kanazawa is an accomplished actor and opera singer trained at the Juilliard School, Manhattan School of Music, and Columbia University. His television and film credits include Grey’s Anatomy, Bosch: Legacy, Japanese American National Museum’s A Life in Pieces: The Diary of Stanley Hayami and No No Girl by Paul Daisuke Goodman, who served as one of this year’s judges.



Chloe Madriaga is an award-winning artist originally from Maui. Recently a featured actor in the Los Angeles stage production, “Kill Shelter,” she is an ensemble member of Theatre of NOTE. She has been a narrator for a number of audiobooks, including Every Drop a Man's Nightmare, Iced in Paradise, An Eternal Lei, Halfway to the Middle, Aftershock and She Persisted: Patsy Mink.

過去の受賞作品を読む:123456789 | 10



Yeisaa nu Chimu-Don-Don: Exploring Cultural Identity through Okinawan Drumming



Eisa is a traditional Okinawan folk dance and musical performance to honor the spirit of Okinawan ancestors. As Okinawans migrated and settled all over the world, their music and dance traditions traveled with them.

Discover Nikkei presented a conversation (presented in English, Spanish, and Portuguese with simultaneous translation) moderated by Shari Y. Tamashiro with members of contemporary eisa groups—Lisa Tamashiro Maumalanga (Chinagu Eisa Hawaii), Rentaro Suzuki (Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko Los Angeles Branch), John Azama (Ryukyu Damashii), Cecilia Nué (Seiryu Eisa Kai), and Toshiyuki Yamauchi (Yuriki no Kizuna Eisá Daiko). They discussed how eisa connects them to their cultural heritage and identity, followed by the interative beginners tutorials. 

*This program was presented with simultaneous translation in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.



Shari Y. Tamashiro is a third generation Okinawan and fourth generation Japanese Cybrarian at Kapiʻolani Community College, University of Hawaiʻi (UH). She often serves as a bridge between UH and the local Okinawan community to connect university resources and expertise and to enhance community archivism and projects. She is passionate about storytelling (especially Hawaiʻi Japanese and Okinawan stories) and documenting primary source materials in her community. She curated the Looking Like the Enemy exhibit at the Pearl Harbor National Monument, as well as the Battle of Okinawa and 100th, 442nd RCT, MIS, and 1399 exhibits. She is the first foreign and female World Eisa Ambassador.


Chinagu Eisa Hawaii (Honolulu, HI, USA)

Established in 2008, Chinagu Eisa Hawaii is a contemporary and multigenerational Okinawan eisa drumming group that cultivates the Okinawan culture for local communities and younger generations. Members range from ten to eighty years old, with cousins, siblings, parents, grandparents, and grandchildren performing together. In the Okinawan language, Chinagu means “to connect.” Chinagu Eisa Hawaii encourages reflection on the connection between group members’ generations, Okinawa and Hawaiʻi, and one’s culture and one’s own self.

Lisa Tamashiro Maumalanga is a Nisei. Her parents are from Haneji, Okinawa, and their family are members of Haneji Club. She is the founder, past president, and current advisor for Shinka, a club of the Hawaii United Okinawa Association (HUOA). She started her cultural journey by learning koto with Toma Toyoko Sokyokukai. She then devoted herself to eisa and is the founder and past president of Chinagu Eisa Hawaii. She is the director of Operations and Special Programs at Adult Friends for Youth and is committed to helping the Okinawan Community.

Ryukyu Damashii (Dallas, TX, USA)

Ryukyu Damashii was founded by Yukimi Iha and Ritsuko Shibayama in 2015. Through eisa, Ryukyu Damashii enhances relationships among parents and children, and develops their interest in Okinawa. The group provides the opportunity for everyone to experience and share Okinawa’s culture while teaching Okinawa’s culture to the next generation.

John Azama

John Azama joined Ryukyu Damashii in 2018. After he moved to Dallas, Texas, in 2017 he was invited to join the group. When he attended their practice, they were rehearsing the folk songs “Asadoya Yunta,” “Miruku Munari,” and “Ashibina” which he was familiar with and was able to dance in their upcoming event. Since then he has taught other dances and has simplified some of the dance routines so that everyone can have a good time.

Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko Los Angeles Branch (Los Angeles, CA, USA)

Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko (Ryukyu Kingdom Festival Drums) is modeled on the traditional Okinawan obon festival drum dancing called eisa where performers dance and drum to an exciting blend of traditional and contemporary Okinawan and Japanese music. Founded in Okinawa in 1982, Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko has chapters in Japan, South America, and the US. The Los Angeles branch was established in 1995 and will celebrate its thirtieth anniversary in 2025.

Rentaro Suzuki (panelist) has been a member of Matsuri Daiko for eight years. Hailing from Culver City, California, He is a senior at Culver City High School. He found eisa through a third grade performance activity and after being invited to watch the Los Angeles chapter’s twentieth anniversary, he was fascinated by the performance and decided to join the group.

Stephanie Ajifu

Stephanie Ajifu (tutorial instructor) is the current leader for the Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko Los Angeles branch. Hailing from Torrance, California, she is a senior at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. She joined the Los Angeles chapter when she was ten years old through Gardena’s Okinawa community and after eleven years of drumming, she became the leader of the Los Angeles chapter in 2023.

Seiryu Eisa Kai (Lima, Peru)  

Seiryu Eisa Kai is a modern eisa group created in 2017 to promote Okinawan culture through dance with taiko, shime, and paranku—traditional percussion instruments used in matsuri or festivals held throughout Japan. Seiryu Eisa Kai formed to develop choreographies and perform dances collaboratively with other groups. Their goal is to express the fusion of cultures through dance.

Cecilia Nue

Since childhood, Cecilia Nué has had a strong interest in Japanese culture. Thanks to her friends, she immersed herself in the dances and events organized by the Peruvian Japanese community. In 2010, she discovered eisa and over the years learned the captivating drum dance. In 2017, she founded Seiryu Eisa Kai. By blending musical genres and collaborating with talented artists to create new choreographies she has strengthened her connection with Japan and enriched her love for its culture.

Yuriki no Kizuna Eisá Daiko (São Paulo, Brazil)

Founded in 2022, Yuriki no Kizuna Eisá Daiko promotes Okinawa culture through eisa, emphasizing values such as friendship and tradition.

Toshiyuki Yamauchi

Toshiyuki Yamauchi began his activities in Okinawan culture at the age of three through eisa. He participated in the group Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko Brasil from 2007–2017 and founded Yuriki no Kizuna Eisá Daiko to spread and disseminate Okinawan culture through eisa.



Okinawa Association of America, Inc.

Founded in 1909, the Okinawa Association of America (OAA) promotes, preserves, and perpetuates Okinawan culture. In addition to cultural awareness and education, OAA also engages in local and international cultural exchanges. Fourteen clubs, classes, and committees support OAA’s mission including the Fujin-bu Women’s Club and the Young Okinawans of Southern California. As a member-supported nonprofit, OAA currently has 700 Family, Individual and Student level memberships totaling over 1,000 members in Southern California, the US, and overseas.


Hawaii United Okinawa Association

The Hawaii United Okinawa Association (HUOA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving as the umbrella organization for fifty member clubs statewide, representing over 40,000 Okinawa immigrants and descendants in Hawai‘i. HUOA’s mission is to promote, perpetuate, and preserve the Okinawan culture in Hawai‘i. HUOA hosts the annual Okinawan Festival, the biggest ethnic event in the state traditionally held on the Saturday and Sunday of Labor Day weekend. The HUOA is also a charter member of the United Japanese Society of Hawaii.

Peru Okinawa Association

The biggest number of Japanese immigrants that arrived in Peru came from Okinawa. It is estimated that 70% of Okinawan descendants constitute the Peruvian nikkei community. Immigration from Okinawa began in 1906, when thirty-six men arrived in Peru. In 1910, Sentei Yaki founded the Peru Okinawa Association (Asociación Okinawense del Perú). Its mission is to look out for the Uchinanchu community in Peru and organize cultural, social and sports activities.


Brazil Kenjinkai

Okinawa Kenjin Association of Brazil / Okinawa Cultural Center of Brazil

Okinawa Kenjin Association of Brazil (AOKB - Associação Okinawa Kenjin do Brasil) and the Okinawa Cultural Center of Brazil (CCOB - Centro Cultural Okinawa do Brasil) promote and encourage exchanges between Brazil and Japan, especially with the province of Okinawa, to strengthen friendships and contribute to the appreciation and preservation of the history, culture, and contributions of Japanese immigration in Brazil. The association’s goal has always been one of fraternization and mutual assistance among Okinawans as expressed in the sayings “Ichariba choodee” (“When we meet, we become brothers”) and “Yuimaaru” (“mutual assistance”). The association has always represented Brazil’s Uchinanchu community to the government of Okinawa, serving as a bridge to maintain the ties between the mother province and its descendants on the other side of the world.

Interactive Tutorials (*not recorded)
The tutorials will be presented concurrently, so you will need to select one. Some translations will be available for the tutorials. 

Yubibue—Eisa Whistling with John Azama of Ryukyu Damashii
Join John Azama for an easy lesson in Yubibue (指笛), the Okinawan finger whistle used in Okinawan music. [Spanish | Translation - English]

Heishi with Stephanie Ajifu of Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko Los Angeles Branch
Join Stephanie Ajifu for a lesson in heishi, Okinawan chants that eisa performers say as they simultaneously dance and hit their drums. [English | Translation - Portuguese] 

Eisa Dance Steps with Cecilia Nué of Seiryu Eisa Kai
Learn about basic steps of eisa through a brief online class with Seiryu Eisa Kai. [Spanish | Translation - English]

Kachashii and Uchinaaguchi Lessons with Lisa Tamashiro Maumalanga of Chinagu Eisa Hawaii 
Discover kachashii, a fun dance performed during the closing of Okinawan festivities, and learn how to speak Uchinaaguchi, the language of the Ryukyu kingdom. [English | Translation - Portuguese]

Taiko 101 with Toshiyuki Yamauchi of Yuriki no Kizuna Eisá Daiko
Experience the power of taiko with Toshiyuki Yamauchi. [Portuguese | Simultaneous translation - English & Spanish]

*This program is presented by the Japanese American National Museum’s Discover Nikkei project. Community Partners: Okinawan Association of America, Inc.; Hawaii United Okinawa Association; Peru Okinawa Association; Associação Okinawa Kenjin do Brasil / Centro Cultural Okinawa do Brasil. Supported by The Nippon Foundation.


Imagine Little Tokyo Writing Workshop with Susan Ito and Naomi Hirahara



Award-winning authors Susan Kiyo Ito and Naomi Hirahara presented an interactive writing workshop. Participants learned tips and received advice for writing short stories that they can submit to the eleventh annual Imagine Little Tokyo short story contest.

Presented by Little Tokyo Historic Society in partnership with Discover Nikkei, the purpose of the Imagine Little Tokyo short story contest is to raise awareness of Little Tokyo through a creative story that takes place in the historic neighborhood. The story must be fictional and set in a current, past, or future Little Tokyo, Los Angeles. The short story committee will be looking for stories that capture the spirit and sense of Little Tokyo.


第10回 イマジンリトル東京ショートストーリーコンテスト授賞式




授賞式では、女優のタムリン・トミタさん司会のもと、審査員ケビン・アワクニさん(英語青少年部門[18歳以下])、海部優子さん(日本語部門)、アイリス・ヤマシタさん(英語成人部門)が、各部門の最優秀作品— ディーシー・パルターさんによる「The Last Days of The Dandy Lion] (英語成人部門); ジョセリン・ドーンさんによる「One Thousand Cranes」(英語青少年部門); 平山美帆さんによる“Color”(日本語部門)—が紹介されました。これらの最優秀作品は、声優の佐古真弓さん(日本語部門)、美香条(ミカ・ジョウ)さん(英語青年部門)、グレッグ・ワタナベさん(英語成人部門)が行いました。



佐古真弓(さこ・まゆみ)は、日本の実力派声優・舞台女優。「アイアンマン2」のスカーレット・ジョハンソン、「タミー・フェイの瞳」と「ゼロ・ダーク・サーティ」のジェシカ・チャステイン、「アイ,トーニャ 史上最大のスキャンダル」のマーゴット・ロビー、「バトル・オブ・ザ・セクシーズ」のエマ・ストーン、「イミテーション・ゲーム/エニグマと天才数学者の秘密」のキーラ・ナイトレイ、「デッドプール2」のザジー・ビーツといった、大ヒットハリウッド映画の大物女優の吹き替え声優としてよく知られている。

また、多くの人気米国ドラマシリーズのキャラクターの吹き替えも担当している。代表作として、「KIZU -傷-」、「MANIAC」、「LUCIFER /ルシファー」、「グッド・ドクター名医の条件」、「Sense8」、「スター・ウォーズ:キャシアン・アンドー」、「スター・トレック:ピカード S2」、「私立探偵マグナム」 、「ロキ」などがあり、その多才ぶりが高く評価されている。また佐古は、ジブリ作品の「千と千尋の神隠し」、「ヴィンランド・サガ」、「GO!プリンセスプリキュア」、「無限の住人 -IMMORTAL-」、といったアニメのキャラクターの声や、「ゴースト・オブ・ツシマ」、「バイオハザード6」といったゲームのキャラクターの声を担当するなど、幅広く活動している。

グレッグ・ワタナベは、ブロードウェイの「アリージャンス~忠誠~」などで知られるベテラン舞台俳優である。「ヤチヨのバラッド」(パブリック・シアター)や「Golden Child」(シグネチャー・シアター)等、数々のオフ・ブロードウェイ作品でも活躍。他にも「Cambodian Rock Band」、「ロミオとジュリエット」、「The Summer Moon」、「Extraordinary Chambers」、「The Happy Ones」、「Hold These Truths」など多数の舞台に立つ。最近では「Our Town」、「The Great Leap」、「キムさんのコンビニ」などにも出演した。

また、「マダム・セクレタリー」、「クリミナル・マインド FBI行動分析課」、「ラリーのミッドライフ★クライシス」、「Reno 911!」といったテレビ番組にも登場した。


過去の受賞作品を読む: 123456789  



Imagine Little Tokyo 2023 Short Story Editing Workshop



Oscar-nominated screenwriter and debut novelist Iris Yamashita and veteran writer and editor Gary Phillips hosted an interactive, virtual workshop with tips on how to polish a short story before submission to the 10th Annual Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story ContestMiya Iwataki, co-chair of the Imagine Little Tokyo short story committee moderated the workshop. Iris Yamashita, Oscar-nominated screenwriter of Letters from Iwojima, released her debut novel, City Under One Roof, this month. Gary Phillips edited South Central Noir (Akashic), which featured one of Naomi's short stories set in a now defunct Japanese movie theater on Crenshaw. 

This writing workshop is held in conjunction with the 10th Annual Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest, organized by the Little Tokyo Historical Society in partnership with the Japanese American National Museum’s Discover Nikkei project.

*第10回イマジン・リトル東京ショートストーリー・コンテストでは、日本語の作品も募集しています。応募締め切り日は2023年1月31日です。作品の時代設定は、過去、現在、未来を問いませんが、フィクションであること、ストーリーの舞台がリトル東京であることが条件となっています。選考委員会は、リトル東京の精神と感性を捉えた作品を求めています。詳しくは、 リトル東京歴史協会のサイトをご覧ください。

過去の受賞作品を読む: 123456789  


Combining Culinary Cultures: A Conversation with Nikkei Chefs from Los Angeles, São Paulo, and Lima


[Language: English, Español, Português]

Discover Nikkei presented a virtual conversation with noted Nikkei chefs—Niki Nakayama of n/naka (Los Angeles, CA, US), Telma Shiraishi of Restaurante Aizomê (São Paulo, Brazil), and Roger Arakaki of Sushi Ito (Lima, Peru)—moderated by Gil Asakawa, author of the recently published book, Tabemasho! Let’s Eat!: A Tasty History of Japanese Food in America. The chefs discussed their cultural backgrounds and how it has influenced their culinary styles, their thoughts on “Nikkei food,” and more.

*This program was presented with simultaneous translation in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. 


For Niki Nakayama, chef and owner of n/naka and n/soto, the art of cooking comes down to feeling. Always one to follow her intuition, Nakayama’s instincts guide her path as a chef, and it continues to be the driving force behind every dish she creates. n/naka, her highly acclaimed Two MICHELIN Star restaurant in West Los Angeles, serves as a global destination for modern kaiseki with a California twist, at which Nakayama—alongside wife and Sous Chef Carole Iida-Nakayama—serves world-class, artfully curated, and exquisite dishes in a progression designed to reflect the mood of season, time, and place.

Telma Shiraishi is the head chef of Restaurante Aizomê, which crafts Japanese food with Brazilian and Japanese ingredients, and commands an Aizomê unit at the Japan House São Paulo. Her cuisine is based on a balanced combination between hot and cold recipes with authentically Japanese values, seasonal and local ingredients. Telma is also in charge of the kitchen at the Japanese Consulate in São Paulo, where she holds the title of Japanese Cuisine Goodwill Ambassador, which was granted by the Japanese Government through the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. Telma is the first Brazilian professional and one of the few women in the world to receive the honor. 

Roger Arakaki graduated from La Unión, a school serving the Nikkei community, and initially enrolled at Universidad Ricardo Palma. He majored in architecture, but later set off in a new direction when he traveled to Japan and stayed there for nine years, immersing himself in the country’s ancient culture and wide-ranging cuisine. Arakaki is the chef and co-owner of Sushi-Ito, a restaurant founded more than 25 years ago in Peru that offers the best of Japanese and Nikkei cuisine. He is also a leader in efforts to raise awareness about Japanese and Nikkei cuisine in Peru and throughout the world, traveling to numerous provinces and countries to promote Peruvian-Japanese cuisine. In 2021, he was chosen as a Bicentennial Chef as part of the commemoration of the bicentennial of Peru’s independence, and was recognized by the US Senate for his achievements in Peruvian and Nikkei cuisine in East Hampton, New York.

At n/naka, West Los Angeles’s highly acclaimed Two MICHELIN Star Japanese restaurant, Sous Chef Carole Iida-Nakayama utilizes her in-depth knowledge of Japanese cooking and highly organizational nature to support her wife, Chef/Owner Niki Nakayama, in the creation of a modern kaiseki dining experience. In March 2021 they launched n/soto in the West Adams neighborhood of Los Angeles as a takeout-only restaurant focusing on bento. It opened its doors in April 2022 as an izakaya-inspired Japanese restaurant. Translating to “outside” in Japanese, “soto” refers both to the pandemic that closed people off from the outside world and the menu’s exploration of Japanese cuisine as interpreted throughout Los Angeles.

*This program is sponsored by The Nippon Foundation and is presented in partnership with the Japanese American Cultural & Community Center, JCI Brasil-Japão, and Asociación Peruano Japonesa. Additional support is provided by Onigiri Producciones.



Nikkei Uncovered III: a poetry reading

2022年9月15日(木)• 18時 - 19:30時(太平洋夏時間)


Our third annual virtual poetry reading presented a powerful lineup of poets previously featured in Discover Nikkei’s Nikkei Uncovered: a poetry column, hosted by traci kato-kiriyama (author of Navigating With(out) Instruments). The poets were chosen to reflect on the theme of gathering. What does it mean to gather in a time of physical and social separation? How can poetry bring us together?

Featured poets: Sawako Nakayasu, Emily Mitamura, and Amy Uyematsu 


第9回 イマジンリトル東京ショートストーリーコンテスト:バーチャル授賞式



第9回 イマジン・リトル東京ショートストーリー・コンテストのバーチャル授賞式では、最優秀作品の発表と、著名な俳優のケイコ・アゲナ、ヘレン・オオタ、安生めぐみによる朗読が行われました。各部門を代表し審査員のエレン・エンドウ(一般部門)、エリザベス・イトウ(青少年部門)、鶴亀彰(日本語部門)が、最優秀賞受賞者、シェイヨ・ウェン、ヘイリー・フゥア、六几なおを発表しました。授賞式の司会は、デレク・ミオが務め、リトル東京歴史協会会長マイケル・オカムラが挨拶を述べました。





[言語: 英語、スペイン語とポルトガル語の同時通訳(分科会室を除く)]

Nikkei and others from around the world gathered virtually to explore what is “Nikkei food” and the role that it plays in Nikkei families and communities internationally. Japanese American writer, Gil Asakawa, emceed and moderated the program that included a presentation by Shigeru Kojima (researcher at the Japanese Overseas Migration Museum, Yokohama, Japan), facilitated small group discussions, and optional post-event discussions via Zoom. The recording below includes the presentation and Q&A with Kojima, plus some break-out session reports and program closing.

This program was presented in English with Spanish and Portuguese simultaneous translations to facilitate international participation, with over 180 participants from at least 13 countries. We will be adding subtitles in Spanish and Portuguese. Check back for an article sharing more from the facilitators’ reports. Sign up for Discover Nikkei’s email list or follow us on Facebook or Twitter to find out when those have been added.

*This program was presented with community partners: JCI Brazil - Japan, Nikkei Australia, and Asociación Peruano Japonesa.


Imagine Little Tokyo 2022 Writing Workshop

January 27, 2022 

[言語: 英語]

Award winning author Naomi Hirahara and Little Tokyo Historical Society leader Mike Okamura led a virtual interactive story writing workshop where participants learned tips and get advice for writing short stories that they can submit to the 9th Annual Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest

The story must be fictional and set in a current, past, or future Little Tokyo, Los Angeles. The short story committee will be specifically looking for stories that capture the spirit and sense of Little Tokyo.  Learn more about submitting your story.

*Presented by Little Tokyo Historic Society in partnership with Discover Nikkei, the purpose of the Imagine Little Tokyo short story contest is to raise awareness of Little Tokyo through a creative story that takes place in the historic neighborhood. 


第8回 イマジンリトル東京ショートストーリーコンテスト:バーチャル授賞式


[言語: 英語、一部日本語]

第8回 イマジン・リトル東京ショートストーリー・コンテストのバーチャル授賞式では、最優秀作品の発表と、著名な舞台俳優のグレッグ・ワタナベ、ジュリー・リー、井上英治による朗読が行われました。各部門を代表し審査員のスージー・リン(一般部門)、アンディ・キムラ(青少年部門)、中曽根牧子(日本語部門)が、最優秀賞受賞者、ジェイコブ・ロウケイシー・ムラセ翔麗を発表しました。授賞式の司会は、マイケル・パルマが務め、リトル東京歴史協会会長マイケル・オカムラが挨拶を述べ、リトル東京歴史協会理事のジェフリー・ジー・チンが近日出版予定のA Rebel's Outcryについて告知しました。



Nikkei Uncovered: a poetry reading


[言語: 英語]

Our second annual virtual poetry reading presented a powerful lineup of poets previously featured in Discover Nikkei’s Nikkei Uncovered: a poetry column, hosted by author, poet, and performer traci kato-kiriyama.

We reached out to pairs of poets who read works in conversation with each other. Each pair has their own unique relationship that brought depth of conversation and insight into their poetry. kato-kiriyama also provided prompts for audience members to write and reflect on.

Featured poets:

Amy Uyematsu and Miya Iwataki

Curtiss Takada Rooks and Mariko Fujimoto Rooks

Shō Tanaka and Paulette M. Moreno




[言語: 英語、スペイン語とポルトガル語の同時通訳(分科会室を除く)]






Imagine Little Tokyo Writing Workshop With Naomi Hirahara and Bill Watanabe


[言語: 英語]

Award-winning author Naomi Hirahara and Little Tokyo community leader Bill Watanabe led an interactive story writing workshop where articipants learned tips and got advice for writing short stories that they can submit to the eighth annual Imagine Little Tokyo short story contest.

*Presented by Little Tokyo Historical Society in partnership with Discover Nikkei, the purpose of the Imagine Little Tokyo short story contest is to raise awareness of Little Tokyo through a creative story that takes place in the historic neighborhood.


第7回イマジン・リトル東京ショートストーリー・コンテスト: バーチャル授賞式


[言語: 英語・一部日本語]

第7回 イマジン・リトル東京ショートストーリー・コンテストのバーチャル授賞式では、最優秀作品の発表と、俳優のデレク・ミオ、尾崎英二郎、タムリン・トミタによる朗読が行われました。各部門を代表し審査員のブライアン・ニイヤ(一般部門)、ケルシー・イイノ(青少年部門)、中曽根牧子(日本語部門)が、最優秀賞受賞者ジェームス・フジタ、 オナッサ・サン新井淳蔵を発表しました。授賞式の司会は、マリリン・トクダ。リトル東京歴史協会会長マイケル・オカムラによるあいさつに始まり、スティーブ・ナガノによるリトル東京のショート・ドキュメンタリーで締めくくられました。



Nikkei Uncovered: a poetry reading


[言語: 英語]

Discover Nikkei’s Nikkei Uncovered: a poetry column shares poems each month from the Nikkei community around themes curated by author, poet, and performer traci kato-kiriyama. Nikkei Uncovered went live with a powerful, intergenerational lineup of poets previously featured in the column to share their poetry in an online reading. Hosted by traci, the interactive reading and reflection featured Maiya Kuida-Osumi, Courtney Ozaki, Micah Tasaka, and Mitsuye Yamada, followed by a short open mic portion.


From Japan to Mexico: A Nikkei Story from Veracruz


[言語: 英語・一部スペイン語]

Julio Mizzumi Guerrero Kojima and Belen Torres Morales are descendants of immigrants who left Japan to work in the sugar plantations in Veracruz, Mexico, in the early 1900s. They are musicians with expertise in the Fandango, a tradition specific to Veracruz that is rooted in community convening and participation. They also are part of an environmental/community gardening project in Veracruz called Jardin Kojima. They performed with musician César Castro and spoke about their family’s history, their expertise in Fandango, and their environmental project.

 This program was presented by the Japanese American National Museum in partnership with FandangObon.