BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080705T000000Z DTEND:20080802T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>2008 Southern California Obon Schedule</strong>\n<em> c ourtesy of Nichi Bei Times </em>\n<strong> Saturday July 5 and Sunday July 6</strong>\n<em> San Fernando Valley Hongwanji Buddhist Temple </em>\nObo n Festival at the Japanese American Community Center \n12953 Branford Stre et\nPacoima\, CA \n\nSaturday\, July 5 and Sunday July 6 from 4:30p.m to 1 0 p.m\nHighlights: Folk Dancing\, taiko drums\, free exhibits\, food and g ames\n\n<strong> Saturday July 12</strong>\n<em> Oxnard Buddhist Temple </ em>\n250 South “H” Street \nOxnard\, CA \n(805) 276-8588 \nBon Odori: Saturday July 12 at 6pm and 8pm\nObon Festival: Saturday July 12 from 1 to 9pm\nHighlights: Okinawan and Japanese Classical dance performances\, \nb onsai demonstrations\, taiko performance with judo and karate demonstratio ns \n\n<strong> Saturday July 12 and Sunday July 13</strong>\n<em> Los Ang eles Hompa Honwanji Buddhist Temple </em>\n815 First Street\nLos Angeles\, CA \n(213) 680-9130 \nObon Carnival and Betsuin Hatsubon Services: Saturd ay July 12\, Sunday July 13 \nBetsuin Obon and Hakamairi Services: Sunday July 20 \n\n<strong> Saturday July 19 and Sunday July 20</strong>\n<em> Or ange County Buddhist Church </em>\nAnaheim\, CA \n(949) 653-0444\nThe 43rd OCBC Obon Carnival will be held on Sturday from 2pm to 9pm\, Sunday from 2pm to 8:30pm \nHighlights: The Carnival features a variety of American an d Japanese foods including: sushi\, Imagawa Yaki\, chicken teriyaki and ch ow mein. There will be a variety of games and a Taiko performance before t he Obon dancing. \n\n<strong> Saturday July 19 and Sunday July 20</strong> \n<em> Pasadena Buddhist Church </em>\n1993 Glenn Avenue \nPasadena\, CA \ n(626)798-4781\nBon Odori: From 7 to 8pm. \nObon Bazaar: From 4pm to 8pm. \n\n<em> Venice Hongwangi Buddhist Temple </em>\n12371 Braddock Drive \nCu lver City\, CA \n(310) 391-4351\n\n\n<strong> Saturday July 26 and Sunday July 27</strong>\n<em> West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple</em>\n2003 Cornith Avenue \nLos Angeles\, CA \n(310) 477-7274 \n\nBon Odori: 6:30pm. \nBazaa r: Saturday July 26 from 5 to 10pm \n Sunday July 27 from 3 to 9pm. \n\n\n<em> Higashi Hongwanji Buddhist Temple </em>\n505 East Third Street \nLos Angeles\, CA \n(213) 626-4200 \nPractice:July 2\, 9\, 11\,16\, 18 f rom 7 to 8:30pm \nBon Odori: 6:30pm \nObon Festival: noon to 9pm. \n\n<em> Vista Buddhist Temple </em>\n150-B Cedar\, Buidling B \nVista\, CA \n(760 ) 941-8800\nBon Odori: noon to 8pm \n\n\n<strong> Saturday August 2</stron g>\n<em> Buddhist Temple of San Diego</em>\n2929 Market Street \nSan Diego \, CA \n(619) 239-0896\nObon festival/Bon Odori: Saturday August 2 from 4p m to 9pm\n\n\n<em> San Luis Obispo Buddhist Church </em>\n6996 Ontario Roa d \nSan Luis Obispo\, CA\n(805) 595-2625\nBon Odori Dance Festival held at the Veteran's Memorial Hall \n\n801 Grand Avenue \nSan Luis Obispo\, CA \ n(805) 704-6996\n\nFrom noon to 8pm. \n\n<strong> Saturday August 2 and Su nday August 3</strong>\n<em> Gardena Buddhist Church </em>\n1516 West 166t h Street \nGardena\, CA \n(310) 327-9400\n\nBon Odori: 6pm to 8pm. \nBazaa r: Saturday August 2 from 3 to 10pm. \n Sunday August 3 from 2 to 9pm. DTSTAMP:20240601T121946Z SUMMARY:2008 Southern California Obon and Bazaars URL:/en/events/2008/07/05/2008-southern-california-obon-and-bazaars/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR