BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090226T000000Z DTEND:20090303T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><em>Hina Matsuri</em> 2009: A Special Day for Girls!</s trong>\nFebruary 26–March 3\nGarden Pavilion\nFree with Garden Admission \n\nVisit the Garden Pavilion from February 26 to March 3 to view the Gard en's elaborate display of festival dolls in celebration of <em>Hina Matsur i</em>\, the Doll Festival. One of the annual <em>Go-Sekku</em> events\, t he festival is held to pray for the health and happiness of little girls.\ n\nThe Garden is proud to display this extraordinary collection of costume d figures depicting imperial courtiers amid a full complement of beautiful ly lacquered furnishings. Photograph your favorite little princess against the brilliant backdrop of this exquisite seven-tiered set\, a generous gi ft from the Loen and Sho Dozono Family to the Garden in 2008.\n\n<em>Hina Matsuri</em> 2009 is sponsored by the James F. and Marion L. Miller Founda tion.\n\n<strong>Diane Durston Introduces <em>O-Hina-Sama</em></strong>\nS unday\, March 1st\, 1pm\nGarden Pavilion\n\nJoin us on the afternoon of Su nday\, March 1st\, at 1pm\, when collector and curator Diane Durston intro duces the <em>O-Hina-Sama</em>\, as the exquisite dolls of <em>Hina Matsur i</em> are known.\n\nPortland Japanese Garden\n611 SW Kingston Avenue\nPor tland\, Oregon 97205\n(503) 223-1321\n<a href="http://www.japanesegarden.c om/events/doll-festival#hina">More information</a> DTSTAMP:20240601T204025Z SUMMARY:Ohinamatsuri at the Portland Japanese Garden URL:/en/events/2009/02/26/ohinamatsuri-portland-japanese-garden/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR