BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090409T000000Z DTEND:20090409T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Japan/U.S. co-production film will screen at Asian American Sho wcase!\n\nI am a Japanese filmmaker in U.S. We have a feature film called\ , \n"THE FIRST BREATH OF TENGAN REI"\ nscreens at Asian American Showcase\, Thursday\, April 9 at 8:15 P.M.\nat The Gene Siskel Film Center\, 164 N. State St.\, Chicago\n\nThe film is: \nThe international psychological drama The First Br eath of Tengan Rei\, written and directed by Chicago husband/wife filmmaki ng team Junko Kajino and Ed M. Koziarski\, screens Thursday\, April 9 at 8 :15 p.m. as part of the 14th Annual Asian American Showcase at the Gene Si skel Film Center\, 164 N. State St. in Chicago.\n\n“Great performances. ” – Chicago Tribune\n“An auspicious debut.” – Chicago Sun-Times\ n“An astute psychological drama. Beautifully shot. Wonderful acting”\n – Chicago Public Radio\n \nIn The First Brea th of Tengan Rei\, Japanese star Erika (of Kore-Eda’s renowned After Lif e) plays Rei\, a young Okinawan woman who kidnaps Paris\, the teenage son of a U.S. Marine convicted of raping her when she was a girl. While Rei h olds Paris captive\, the two are drawn together despite the scars of the p ast\, as they prepare for a final confrontation with Paris’s father\, Ne lson. \n\nKajino\, a native of Nagano\, Japan\, moved to Yellow Springs\, Ohio in 1997 to start her film career. There she met Koziarski\, from Chi cago’s Beverly neighborhood\, was completing his senior film at Antioch College. Together they have helped produce dozens of independent films\, all the while battling to make their own feature film. They finally got t heir chance when Junko was inspired by a tragic true story that she felt a special responsibility and opportunity to tell\, as a Japanese woman livi ng in the U.S. Kajino and Koziarski filmed in Chicago and Okinawa with a Japanese and American cast and crew\, overcoming language and cultural bar riers and shooting through a typhoon in a former leper colony off the Okin awa coast. \n\nChicago stage veteran and South Side resident Sean Nix\, mo stly recently seen in Timeline Theatre Company’s production of Gore Vida l’s Weekend\, portrays Nelson. Nelson’s partner in crime\, Carter\, i s portrayed by local film and TV actor Ric Arthur\, who himself served in the Marines in Okinawa. North Carolina newcomer Katori Eason plays Paris. Mark Messing\, leader of acclaimed local band Mucca Pazza\, designed the sound for the film with Lou Mallozzi of Experimental Sound Studio and comp osed the score\, featuring music by cellist Fred Lonberg-Holm and Califone guitarist Jim Becker. \n\nKoziarski and Kajino\, who live in Pilsen\, wi ll hold a Q&A\; after the screening. Screeners available on request. Down load press kit and stills at Asian A merican Showcase runs April 3-16. For more information on Asian American Showcase see\n\n\nThank you very much\, \nJunko Kaji no\n312 850 1247\n\n DTSTAMP:20240604T105236Z SUMMARY:The film about Okinawan woman Screens at Festival! URL:/en/events/2009/04/09/the-film-about-okinawan-woman-screens-at-festival / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR