BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090503T000000Z DTEND:20090530T000000Z DESCRIPTION:May at the Portland Japanese Garden brings two of the Garden's most popular family days\, <em>Kodomo no Hi</em>--Children's Day and the c elebration of Mother's Day\, as well as a spectacular bonsai exhibition an d two Garden workshops.\n\n<strong>May 3\, Noon-4pm: <em>Kodomo no Hi</em> --Children's Day\, Free with Garden Admission</strong>\nCelebrate <em>Kodo mo no Hi</em> at the Garden this year with a variety of children's activit ies and performances for families\, including a Taste of Tea for children in the Garden's Kashintei Tea House\, the raising of the brilliantly color ed new <em>koi nobori</em> carp banners\, the making of paper <em>kabuto</ em> helmets and paper koi kites\, taiko drumming\, and other perennially p opular Children's Day activities for the entire family.\n\nAs part of this year's Children's Day at the Garden\, Shorinji Kempo teachers and their y oung students will demonstrate the rhythmic\, almost dancelike movements o f this strict physical discipline of mind and body. Shorinji Kempo is a ma rtial art form that is a physical\, mental and spiritual practice with the goal of improving both mind and body while uniting people of diverse cult ures\, ethnicities\, and religions. Based on the principles of Zen Buddhis m\, it is non-competitive and emphasizes cooperation and mutual respect. B oys and girls in training at the Shorinji Kempo School in Portland will de monstrate some of the skills they are learning led by Tanaka Yasunari\, 6t h Dan Portland Branch Master Teacher.\n\n<strong>May 10\, 10am-7pm\, Mothe r's Day\, Free with Garden Admission</strong>\nMother's Day is always spec ial at the Portland Japanese Garden and this year proves no exception. Gue sts to the Garden on Mother's Day will be treated to a spectacular bonsai exhibition in the Garden's Pavilion. Hosted by the Bonsai Society of Portl and\, this exhibition includes some outstanding examples of traditional bo nsai. Families and friends are welcome to stroll through the Garden to see spring as it unfolds in this most special of settings\, and trained guide s will be stationed throughout the Garden to answer questions about the Ga rden's plants\, history\, and culture.\n\n<strong>May 9-10\, 10am-6pm\, Ex hibition by Bonsai Society of Portland\, Free with Garden Admission</stron g>\nDuring the Mother's Day weekend\, the Bonsai Society of Portland (BSOP ) will be holding an exhibition of bonsai in the Garden's Pavilion. Member s of the BSOP will offer tours of the exhibition and hold demonstrations o n the Pavilion's East Veranda.\n\n<strong>May 16 and 30\, Gardening Worksh ops</strong>\nTo get into the swing of spring\, the Garden will hold two g ardening workshops in May: Pine Candling (May 16) and Organic Gardening (M ay 30). Each workshop is open to the public\, runs from 9am-3pm\, and cost s $65 for members and $85 for non-members. More details are available at < a href=""> s</a>.\n\n The Portland Japanese Garden has been proclaimed by his Excelle ncy Nobuo Matsunaga\, former Ambassador of Japan\, to be "the most beautif ul and authentic Japanese garden in the world outside of Japan." The Garde n is above Washington Park at 611 SW Kingston Drive in SW Portland\, Orego n. The Garden is open daily except on Thanksgiving\, Christmas\, and New Y ear's. Hours are 10am-4pm October 1-March 31\, and 10am-7pm April 1-Septem ber 30. <a href=""></a> DTSTAMP:20240602T191338Z SUMMARY:May events at the Portland Japanese Garden URL:/en/events/2009/05/03/may-events-at-the-portland-japanese-garden/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR