BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100703T000000Z DTEND:20100703T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>JACL Convention Features Night at Club Chicago\n\n</str ong>\nA Night at Club Chicago&nbsp\;will revive memories of a time in the 1940's when many Japanese Americans migrated from the concentration camps to Chicago.&nbsp\; This night of entertainment will tell the story of that migration and the search for housing\, jobs\, and a new life\; a life tha t included the music and ambiance of Chicago's night club scene.&nbsp\;&nb sp\;A Night at Club Chicago&nbsp\;will take you back to that time through the music\, the stories\, and the songs from that era.\n\nA Night at Club Chicago&nbsp\;will feature the Grateful Crane Ensemble\, a Los Angeles-bas ed group performing in Chicago for the first time.&nbsp\; The ensemble fea tures vocalists Keiko Kawashima and Kurt Kuniyoshi along with Scott Nagata ni on keyboards.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n\nFormed in 2001\, the Grateful Crane Ense mble have performed in a number of shows produced by Soji Kashiwagi includ ing The Camp Dance: The Music and the Memories\, which recalls how music a nd song helped the internees of America's concentration camps endure their incarceration.&nbsp\;\n\nChicagoans Steve Hashimoto on bass\, Kenny Takao ka on drums\, and playwright Keith Uchima will provide a local flavor to t his production.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;A Night at Club Chicago&nbsp\;is the final&nb sp\;event&nbsp\;of the 2010 JACL National Convention and will be held on S aturday\, July 3\, at 8:00pm in the Zurich Ballroom.&nbsp\; Tickets for th is&nbsp\;event&nbsp\;are $30.\n\nTo take advantage of early registration r ates\, you must register by June 10.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;<a title="http://r20.rs6 .net/tn.jsp?et=1103456608276&amp\;s=515&amp\;e=001QDE_Dl6PlalSFTXYgsG7uuCa NcfmdUE1cSHXV2pJ7WyhWZDEdFZfr1qT1c7U-y9c-nrEKrDrXthIER5akaX2ghz3zTcwSh_QHH ebhDhNtNhrjx4Lc3cuZfcETeUDENU40F3gTT1rEZQpkcttgtKtXFB7w6yYcXw0" href="http ://\;s=515&amp\;e=001QDE_Dl6PlalSFT XYgsG7uuCaNcfmdUE1cSHXV2pJ7WyhWZDEdFZfr1qT1c7U-y9c-nrEKrDrXthIER5akaX2ghz3 zTcwSh_QHHebhDhNtNhrjx4Lc3cuZfcETeUDENU40F3gTT1rEZQpkcttgtKtXFB7w6yYcXw0" target="_blank">Click here</a>&nbsp\;to register online!\n\nThe 2010 JACL National Convention will be held from June 30-July3 at the Swissotel\, 323 East Wacker Drive\, Chicago\, IL.&nbsp\;For information about the Convent ion\, call 773.728.7171\, email&nbsp\;<a href=" " target="_blank"></a>&nbsp\;or visit the&nbsp\;<a tit le="\;s=515&amp\;e=001QDE_Dl 6Plan9dLAJDsyMdiB-9nJ_FKGPPPccqDJV1H7fcb15dMIeUIEeC9iogf4dnacZa-vfRsXXun7o uVhZCMuqq4ja9o65Ctlq7CQBqRJ_uYzgDMUDDr-fK3U8DiceQxTFl9DKEQnYM5RF8rnJw30T7j U5YZb4" href="\;s=515&amp\;e =001QDE_Dl6Plan9dLAJDsyMdiB-9nJ_FKGPPPccqDJV1H7fcb15dMIeUIEeC9iogf4dnacZa- vfRsXXun7ouVhZCMuqq4ja9o65Ctlq7CQBqRJ_uYzgDMUDDr-fK3U8DiceQxTFl9DKEQnYM5RF 8rnJw30T7jU5YZb4" target="_blank">2010 JACL Convention website</a>. DTSTAMP:20240608T120058Z SUMMARY:JACL Convention Features Night at Club Chicago URL:/en/events/2010/07/03/jacl-convention-features-night-at-club-chicago/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR